IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control
The series was formerly known as the UBCIM series (Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC). Volumes are available in print or electronic format.
NOTE: Detailed information about the volumes in this series is available directly from the publisher’s website.
Orders for individual volumes can be placed with the publisher.
Publisher: De Gruyter Saur
- Contact: publications@ifla.org
- ISSN: 1868-8438
Vol. 45: Guidelines for Subject Access in National Bibliographies
Ed. by Jahns, Yvonne
Berlin/Munich: De Gruyter Saur, 2012
ISBN 978-3-11-028089-0
Vol. 44: ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description Consolidated Edition
Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section (Ed.)
Berlin/Munich: De Gruyter Saur, 2011
ISBN 978-3-11-026379-4
Vol. 43: Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) – A Conceptual Model
Marcia Lei Zeng, Maja Žumer & Athena Salaba (Eds.)
Berlin/München: De Gruyter Saur, 2011
ISBN 978-3-11-025323-8
Vol. 42: Subject Access; Preparing for the Future
Patrice Landry, Leda Bultrini, Edward T. O’Neill and Sandra K. Roe (Eds.)
Berlin/Munich: De Gruyter Saur, 2011
ISBN 978-3-11-023443-5
Vol. 41: Funktionale Anforderungen an Normdaten
Glenn E. Patton (Hrsg.)
Berlin/München: De Gruyter Saur, 2010
ISBN 978-3-11-023250-9
Vol. 40: Richtlinien für die OPAC-Anzeige
Edited by Task Force on Guidelines for OPAC Displays (Arbeitsgruppe Richtlinien für OPAC-Anzeigen)
Berlin/München: De Gruyter Saur, 2010
ISBN 978-3-11-023248-6
Vol. 39: National Bibliographies in the Digital Age: Guidance and New Directions
Edited by Maja Žumer
München: K.G. Saur, 2009
ISBN 978-3-598-24287-8
Vol. 38: UNIMARC Manual – Authorities Format (3rd ed.)
Edited by Mirna Willer
München: K.G. Saur, 2009
ISBN 978-3-598-24286-1
Vol. 37: IFLA Cataloguing Principles: Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (ICP) and its Glossary
Edited by Barbara Tillett and Ana Lupe Cristán
München: K.G. Saur, 2009
ISBN 978-3-598-24285-4
Vol. 36: UNIMARC Manual- Bibliographic Format (3rd ed.)
Edited by Alan Hopkinson
München: K.G. Saur, 2008
ISBN 978-3-598-24284-7
Vol. 35: IFLA Cataloguing Principles: Steps towards an International Cataloguing Code, 5: Report from the 5th IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, Pretoria, South Africa, 2007
Edited by Barbara B. Tillett / Tienie de Klerk / Hester van der Walt & Ana Lupe Cristán
Languages: English, French, Portuguese
München: K.G. Saur, 2008
ISBN 978-3-598-24283-0
Vol. 34: Functional Requirements for Authority Data – A Conceptual Model
Edited by Glenn E. Patton
München: K.G. Saur, 2009
ISBN 978-3-598-24282-3
Vol. 33: MANUEL UNIMARC Format bibliographique
Traduit par Marc Chauveinc
5e éd. Version française. 2005
ISBN 10: 978-3-598-11779-4
Vol. 32: IFLA Cataloguing Principles: Steps towards an International Cataloguing Code, 4
Report from the 4th IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, Seoul, Korea, 2006
Ed. by Barbara B. Tillett, Jaesun Lee and Ana Lupe Cristán
Munich: K.G. Saur, 2007
ISBN-13: 978-3-598-24281-6
Vol. 31: ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description – Consolidated Edition
Recommended by the ISBD Review Group Approved by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section
Preliminary Consolidated Edition
Munich: K.G. Saur, 2007
ISBN 978-3-598-24280-9
Vol. 30: UNIMARC & Friends: Charting the New Landscape of Library Standards Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Lisbon, 20-21 March 2006
Edited by Marie-France Plassard
München: Saur, 2007, 133 p.
ISBN-13: 978-3-598-24279-3
ISBN-10: 3-598-24279-4
Vol. 29: IFLA Cataloguing Principles, Part 3. IFLA Cataloguing Principles: Steps towards an International Cataloguing Code, 3
Report from the 3rd Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, Cairo, Egypt 2004
Edited by Barbara B. Tillett, Khaled Mohamed Reyad and Ana Lupe Cristán
München: Saur, 2006, 197 p.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-24278-6
Vol. 28: IFLA Cataloguing Principles, Part 2.
IFLA Cataloguing Principles: Steps towards an International Cataloguing Code, 2.
Report from the 2nd Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2004.
Edited by / Editado por: Barbara B. Tillett and Ana Lupe Cristán.
München: Saur, 2005, 227 p.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-24277-8
Vol. 27: Guidelines for Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Displays
Final Report May 2005
(München: Saur, 2005, 61 p.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-24276-X
Vol. 26: IFLA Cataloguing Principles
Steps towards an International Cataloguing Code. Report from the 1st Meeting of Experts on an International
Cataloguing Code, Frankfurt 2003. (IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control; vol. 26).
Edited by Barbara B. Tillett, Renate Gömpel and Susanne Oehlschläger.
München: Saur, 2004, IV, 286 p.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-24275-1
Vol. 25: Subject Retrieval in a Networked World
Proceedings of the IFLA Satellite Meeting held in Dublin, OH,14-16
August 2001 and sponsored by the IFLA
Classification and Indexing Section, the IFLA Information
Technology Section and OCLC.
Ed. by McIlwaine, I.C. 2003.
Book-Edition, IX, 193 pages, hardbound
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11634-9
Vol. 24: ISBD(CR): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Serials and Other Continuing Resources.
Revised from the ISBD(S): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Serials.
2002. xi, 112 p. Hardbound.
Vol. 23: Guidelines for Authority Records and References
2nd ed.,revised by the IFLA Working Group on GARE Revision
2001. xii,46 pages. Hardbound.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11504-0
Vol. 22: UNIMARC Manual – Authorities Format
2nd revised and enlarged edition
2001. 200 pages. Hardbound.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11503-2
Vol. 21: Principles Underlying Subject Heading Languages (SHLs).
Edited by Maria Inês Lopes, Julianne Beall.
Working Group on Principles Underlying Subject Heading Languages.
Approved by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Section on Classification and Indexing.
1999. X, 183 pages. Hardbound.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11397-8
Vol. 20: Application of UNIMARC to Multinational Databases: Feasability Report.
Edited by Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and Consortium of European Research Libraries.
1999. 140 pages. Hardbound.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11424-9
Vol. 19: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records
Final Report
IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records.
Approved by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Section on Cataloguing.
1998. VIII, 136 pages. Hardbound.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11382-X
Vol. 18: An Annotated Guide to Current National Bibliographies.
Edited by Barbara L. Bell.
2nd comp. rev. edition 1997. XXVII, 487 pages.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11376-5
Vol. 17: ISBD(ER): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources.
Revised from the ISBD(CF) International Standard Bibliographic Description for Computer Files. Recommended by the ISBD(CF) Review Group.
1997. X, 109 pages. Hardbound.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11369-2
Vol. 16: Names of Persons. National Usages for Entry in Catalogues
4th rev. and enl. edition 1996. XII, 263 pages.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11342-0
Vol. 15: Subject Indexing: Principles and Practices in the 90’s.
Proceedings of the IFLA Satellite Meeting Held in Lisbon, Portugal, 17-18 August 1993.
Sponsored by the IFLA Section on Classification and Indexing and the Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro, Lisbon, Portugal.
1995. X, 302 pages. Hardbound.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11251-3
Vol. 14: UNIMARC Manual Bibliographic Format.
2nd edition 1994. IV, 496 pages. Loose leaf.
EUR 94
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11211-4Update 1.1996. 3-598-11212-2 EUR 34Update 2.1998. ISBN 10 : 3-598-11213-0
EUR 34Update 3.2000. Including ring binder.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11214-9
Vol. 12: Guidelines for Subject Authority and Reference Entries. Working Group on “Guidelines for Subject Authority Files” of the Section on Classification and Indexing of the IFLA Division of Bibliographic Control.
1993. 62 pages. Hardbound.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11180-0
Vol. 11: International Cooperation in the Field of Authority Data.
An Analytical Study with Recommendations.
By Françoise Bourdon.
1993. 135 pages. Hardbound.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-11169-X