The World Library and Information Congress has gathered library and information professionals from around the world the 1920s. You can explore our past congresses here.

2022 – Dublin – Inspire, Engage, Enable, Connect

2021 – virtual – Let’s work together for the future

2019 – Athens – Libraries: dialogue for change

2018 – Kuala Lumpur – Transform Libraries, Transform Societies

2017 – Wrocław – Libraries. Solidarity. Society

1996 – Beijing – The Challenge of Change

1995 – Istanbul – Libraries of the Future

1994 — Havana — Libraries and Social Development

1993 — Barcelona — The Universal Library: Libraries as Centres for the Global Availability of Information

1992 — New Delhi — Library and Information Policy Perspectives

1991 — Moscow — Libraries and Culture: Their Relationship

1990 — Stockholm — Libraries: Information for Knowledge

1989 — Paris — Les Bibliothèques et l’information dans l’économie hier, aujourd’hui et demain

1988 — Sydney — Living together: People, Libraries, Information

1987 — Brighton — Libraries and Information Services in a Changing World

1986 — Tokyo — New Horizons of Librarianship towards the 21st Century

1985 — Chicago — Libraries and the Universal Availability of Information

1984 — Nairobi — “Basis of Information Services for
National Development”

1983 — Munich — Libraries in a Technical World

1982 — Montreal — Networks

1981 — Leipzig — The Role of National Centres in National Library Development and in International Library Cooperation

1980 — Manila — Development of Libraries and Information Systems

1979 — Copenhagen — Library Legislation

1978 — Strbské Pleso — Universal Availability of Publications

1977 — Brussels — Libraries for All: One World of Information, Culture and Learning

1976 — Lausanne — IFLA

1975 — Oslo — The Future of International Library Cooperation

1974 — Washington D.C. — National and International Library Planning

1973 — Grenoble — Universal Bibliographic Control

1972 — Budapest — Reading in a Changing World

1971 — Liverpool — The Organization of the Library Profession

1970 — Moscow — Lenin and Libraries

1969 — Copenhagen — Library Education and Research in Librarianship

1968 — Frankfurt am Main — Books and Libraries in an Industrial Society

1967 — Toronto — Library Service for a Nation Covering a Large Geographical Area

1966 — The Hague — Libraries and Documentation

1965 — Helsinki

1964 — Rome

1963 — Sofia

1962 — Berne

1961 — Edinburgh

1960 — Lund and Malmö

1959 — Warsaw

1958 — Madrid

1957 — Paris

1956 — Munich

1955 — Brussels

1954 — Zagreb

1953 — Vienna

1952 — Copenhagen

1951 — Rome

1950 — London

1949 — Basel

1948 — London

1947 — Oslo

1939 — The Hague and Amsterdam

1938 — Brussels

1937 — Paris

1936 — Warsaw

1935 — Madrid and Barcelona

1934 — Madrid

1933 — Chicago and Avignon

1932 — Berne

1931 — Cheltenham

1930 — Stockholm

1929 — Rome, Florence, and Venice

1928 — Rome