Honorary Fellow
Honorary Fellow is IFLA’s highest award and is conferred on the basis of merit, on a person who has delivered long and distinguished service to IFLA and the global library field. It may not necessarily be awarded every year.
The award of Honorary Fellow acknowledges:
- Exemplary personal and professional contribution to IFLA;
- Leadership and influence amongst colleagues and peers;
- Exemplary contribution to the global library field.
- Efforts in fostering IFLA values, for example, diversity, inclusion and equality.
Find out about how to make a nomination for Honorary Fellow.
Past recipients
- Christine Mackenzie, 2023
- Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, 2021
- Deborah Jacobs, 2019
- Donna Scheeder, 2019 († 2022)
- Sinikka Sipilä, 2018
- Jennefer Nicholson, 2016
- Ingrid Parent, 2015
- Alex Byrne, 2014
- Winston Tabb, 2012
- Ellen Tise, 2012
- Claudia Lux, 2010
- Klaus G. Saur, 2009
- Kay Raseroka, 2007
- Marta Terry, 2006 († 2018)
- Ross Shimmon, 2005
- Christine Deschamps, 2003
- Marianne Scott, 2003
- Warren Horton, 1999 († 2003)
- Russell Bowden, 1995 († 2016)
- Marcelle Beaudiquez, 1993 († 2019)
- Wim R.H. Koops, 1989
- Henriette D. Avram, 1987 († 2006)
- Margreet Wijnstroom, 1987 († 2018)
- Günther Pflug, 1981 († 2008)
- Harry C. Campbell, 1979 († 2009)
- Robert Vosper, 1977 († 1994)
- Joachim Wieder, 1977 († 1992)
- Margarita Rudominó, 1973 († 1990)
- Leendert Brummel, 1965 († 1976)
- Arthur C. Breycha-Vauthier, 1964 († 1986)
- Julien Cain, 1964 († 1974)
- Tietse Pieter Sevensma, 1958 († 1965)
- Herbert Maurice Cashmore, 1952 († 1972)
- Aleksander Ludwik Birkenmajer, 1947 († 1967)
- Cardinal Eugene Tisserant, 1936 († 1972)
† = Deceased