Translating Standards
IFLA has a network of Language Centres for its official languages, and volunteers also translate documents into other languages. However, in the case of Standards, especially normative documents, it may be preferred that subject experts translate the documents even when the target language is one of IFLA’s official languages.
Prior to seeking translation, individuals should contact the Unit to confirm that the Standard is not currently being revised or planned for revision. Once that is confirmed, translations of the Standard should adhere to the “Standards Template” that the original (English) version was made in. Translated documents should also include a statement with the name of the translator, their organisation, and a disclaimer:
The text of this document has been translated into [language] and differences from the original text may occur. This translation is provided for reference purposes only.
See the latest version of the IFLA Standards Manual for complete formatting.
Translators should ensure that as much as the original text as possible is translated including title page data, headings, footnotes, graphs/tables and image labels. The images, tables, graphs, etc. must be pasted back into the correct position in the text.
See our Translations and Reprints webpage for further information about IFLA’s language and translation policy and procedures for making a new translation.