IFLA Express 2013 - Follow the Congress as it Happens!

Congress theme: "Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities"

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Delegate numbers

In total, approximately 3900 people passed through the doors of the World Library and Information Congress 2013 in Singapore.

Total number of countries represented 122
Total Full time delegates 2092
Day registrations 612
Accompanying persons 94
Volunteers 309
Grantees 73
Exhibition space 985 m2 confirmed


During the Closing Session in San Juan, Puerto Rico on 18 August, IFLA President Ellen Tise officially announced Singapore as the host location for the 2013 World Library and Information Congress.

Final Announcement

Complete information on how to become a delegate for WLIC 2013, including conference registration, hotels, library visits, tours & activities, etc. are available:

[English - PDF - 2.2 MB]

First Announcement

[English] | [العربية]

Join us in Singapore on 17-23 August 2013!

free from IFLA on Vimeo.

(Hash) Tags, Tweets & Posts

  • #wlic2013 for Tweets, and
  • wlic2013 in other social media.

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Next Congress

For preliminary information regarding the 2014 IFLA WLIC Congress in Lyon, France, please see the First Announcement:
