IFLA Annual Conference website


IFLA Conference

75th IFLA Conference Logo

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

"Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage"

23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy

Programme and Proceedings


Coordinating Board meeting
Standing Committee meeting
Not in the Fiera Milano Congress Centre but elsewhere, location will be added when known
Simultaneous Interpretation (English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Russian and Spanish)
To Be Announced

Room names and numbers will not be added to the online programme as they may be changed at the last moment. They can be found in the printed programme and/or in the pocket programme.

Friday 21 August 2009

1 Professional Committee
2 Governing Board
3 CB I General Research Libraries (Div I)
4 CB I Special Libraries (Div II)
5 CB I Libraries Serving the General Public (Div III)
6 CB I Bibliographic Control (Div IV)
7 CB I Collections and Services (Div V)
8 CB I Management and Technology (Div VI)
9 CB I Education and Research (Div VII)
10 CB I Regional Activities (Div VIII)
11 ALP Advisory Board (in IFLA Board Room MR 6)

Saturday 22 August 2009

12 SC I National Libraries
13 SC I Classification and Indexing
14 SC I Geography and Map Libraries
15 SC I Reference and Information Services
16 SC I Newspapers
17 SC I Information Literacy
18 SC I Metropolitan Libraries
19 SC I Library Buildings and Equipment
20 SC I Law Libraries
21 SC I Academic and Research Libraries
22 SC I Knowledge Management
23 SC I Government Libraries
24 SC I Education and Training
25 SC I Document Delivery and Resource Sharing
27 SC I Serial Publications and other continuing Resources
28 SC I Acquisition and Collection Development
29 SC I Management of Library Associations
30 SC I Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities
31 SC I Cataloguing
32 SC I Statistics and Evaluation
33 SC I Library Theory and Research
34 SC I Management and Marketing
35 SC I Social Science Libraries
36 SC I Information Technology
37 SC I School Libraries and Resource Centers
38 SC I Preservation and Conservation
39 SC I Genealogy and Local History
40 SC I Libraries for Children and Young Adults
41 Free Access To Information And Freedom Of Expression (FAIFE) Committee Meeting
42 SC I Science and Technology Libraries
43 SC I Public Libraries
44 SC I Bibliography
45 SC I Art Libraries
46 SC I Government Information and Official Publications
47 SC I Rare Books and Manuscripts
48 SC I Library Services to People with Special Needs
49 SC I Library Services to Multicultural Populations
50 SC I Reading
51 SC I Library and Research Services for Parliaments
52 SC I Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning

53 Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) Business Meeting I

Please note that CLM I will be a closed meeting from 14:50- 16:40. Attendance during this time is by invitation of the Chair only, in accordance with para 2.6 of IFLA’s Rules of Procedure

54 Management of Library Associations Training Session
55 Caucus: Africa, Asia & Oceania and Latin America & Caribbean
18.00-19.00 Caucus Meetings
56 Caucus: French Speaking Participants
57 Caucus: German Speaking Participants
58 Caucus: Netherlands Speaking Participants
59 Caucus: Portuguese Speaking Participants
60 Caucus: CIS
61 Caucus: Nordic Countries
62 Caucus: UK
63 Caucus: USA
64 Caucus: Spanish Speaking Participants
65 Caucus: Chinese Speaking Participants
66 Caucus: Korean Speaking Participants and Participants interested in Korea
Africa, Asia & Oceania and Latin America & Caribbean, see nr 55, 17.00-18.00
Arab Countries, see nr 74, Sunday 12.15-13.30
Canada, see nr 67, Sunday 08.00-08.45

Sunday 23 August 2009

67 Caucus: Canada
68 SI Opening Session


Auditorium of the Fiera Milano Convention Conference Centre

12.15-13.30 Leadership Forums (Business Meeting for each of IFLA's 5 Divisions)
69 Division I – Library Types
70 Division II – Library Collections
71 Division III – Library Services
72 Division IV – Support of the Profession
73 Division V - Regions
74 Caucus: Arab Countries
75 SI Newcomers Session

Welcome and introduction to IFLA
Jennefer Nicholson – IFLA Secretary General

How does one experience the IFLA congress by an experienced IFLA delegate
Bob McKee – IFLA Governing Board Member / CEO CILIP, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (UK)

IFLA express – an indispensible guide throughout the IFLA congress
Dina Youssef – Deputy Director IFLA Centre for Arabic Speaking Libraries and Information Institutions / Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Visiting the Exhibition
Jay Jordan – OCLC President and CEO

Where to go for something modern at the Congress
Loida Garcia Febo – Convenor IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group / Assistant Coordinator Special Services Queens Public Library  

Introducing Italy and Milan in a nutshell
Aldo Pirola – Member Executive Committee IFLA Congress 2009 - Director of the Library Sector in Milan

Closing with Coffee, tea and cakes

76 SI UNESCO Open Forum

Different issues will be covered during this session, which will be chaired by ELLEN TISE, IFLA President-elect 2007-2009. Speakers include:

MICHELLE RAGO (Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA) will present an introduction to the World Digital Library project.

HELENA ASAMOA-HASSAN (University Librarian Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST Library, Kumasi, Ghana and Member of the IFLA Governing Board) will introduce the Memory of the World programme, for which she is a Member of the International Advisory Committee.

JOIE SPRINGER (UNESCO Information and Communication Division, Paris, France) will speak about various aspects of UNESCO’s Memory of the World and Information For All programmes.

There will be ample time for discussion and questions.



Promoting and preserving national bibliographies, our testimony of cultural heritage

  • The Italian National Library Service (SBN): a cooperative library service infrastructure and the Bibliographic Control
    GABRIELLA CONTARDI (Instituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le informatzioni Bibliografiche, Rome, Italy)
  • Methodological and organisational aspects of digitisation and bibliographic access of cultural heritage: the Lithuanian approach
    REGINA VARNIENE-JANSSEN (National Library of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania)
  • Frbrisation: towards a bright future for National Bibliographies
    JAN PISANSKI, MAJA ZUMER (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia) and TROND AALBERG (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
  • 50 years of Indian National Bibliography: a critical study
    MAITRAYEE GHOSH (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India)

Library History SIG

Library collections throughout the ages

  • Serbian books and libraries in Kosovo and Metochia
    GORDANA STOKIĆ SIMONČIĆ (Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia) and  ZORAN Č. VUKADINOVIĆ (University Library Pristina, Kosovo i Metohija, Serbia)
  • Lost libraries of Transylvania: some examples from the 15th and 16th centuries
    ADINEL-CIPRIAN DINCĂ ("George Bariţiu" History Institute of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
  • The Henrik Database: reconstruction of lost collections in 18th century Finland
    JESSICA PARLAND-VON ESSEN (Society of Swedish Literature in Finland, Helsinfors, Finland)
  • The library of Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753): creating a catalogue of a dispersed library
    ALISON WALKER (British Library, London, UK)

Indigenous Matters SIG



Academic and Research Libraries

Hot topics in academic and research libraries: discussion with experts and colleagues

Up to six speakers will introduce an important topic and the round tables will discuss the impact of these topics on themselves and their services.

JIM NEAL - Developments in Scholarly Communication
JANINE SCHMIDT - Public relations and Fund Raising
JARMO SAARTI - Library spaces: Physical and Virtual
ROSSANA MORRIELLO - Web 2.0 in Libraries
SUE McKNIGHT - Workforce Issues

81 Latin America and the Caribbean SC I (Business Meeting)
82 Health and Biosciences Libraries SC I (Business Meeting)
83 ICADS Business Meeting
84 Audiovisual and Multimedia SC I (Business Meeting)
85 Exhibition Opening
(Start of the opening reception in the exhibition area at 16.00)

Monday 24 August 2009

All day

Off-site Education and Training

Recognition of qualifications and quality of LIS education: the Bologna process challenges in a changing world

09.30-10.30 Opening Session on Bologna process

Chair: Cristobal Urbano

  • Internationalization of LIS education within the Bologna Process: mobility and flexibility
    URSULA GEORGY (Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany)
  • Changes in Croatian LIS education: the influence of Bologna Process
    JOSIPA BAŠIĆ (University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia)

10.30-13.00 RoundTable of LIS Teachers Associations and LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG

Chair: Anna Maria Tammaro

  • RoundTable on recognition of qualifications and quality of LIS education in a global world
    MICHELE CLOONAN (ALISE Past President)
    CHIHFENG P. LIN (Dean's RoundTable of A-LIEP 2009 Chair)
    MIWA MAMIKO (A-LIEP 2009 Chair)
    ISMAIL ABDULLAHI (SIG LIS Education in Developing Countries Convenor)

13.00-14.00 Lunch break

14.00-15.00 Experiences and reflections on Bologna Process and LIS education

Chair: Aira Lepik

  • Internationalization of Information and Library Science studies in Europe: the impact of academic mobility on quality of LIS education
    MONIKA KRAKOWSKA (Institute of Information and Library Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
  • Library and Information Education in Russia and Bologna Process: challenges on the way to a new model of library education
    TATIANA KUZNETSOVA (Academy of Postgraduate Education in Culture and Art, Moscow, Russian Federation)

15.00-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-17.30 International cooperation of LIS schools and mobility of students

Chair: S. B. Ghosh

  • Creating successful international opportunities in Library and Information Science education: the UWM/KWM exchange
    ERIN HVIZDAK (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA)
  • Professional qualifications of Library and Information Sciences students of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP): facing the labor market
    JUANITA JARA DE SUMAR (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) and ANA MARÍA TALAVERA IBARRA (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru)
  • Bologna Process of Library and Information Science education in SAARC countries: a proposal
    A.K. BARADOL (Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore, India)
  • LIS education in India: an appraisal of the parity between the syllabus and the market demands
    SUSMITA CHAKRABORTY (Bengal Engineering & Science University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India) and J. K. SARKHEL (University of Kalyani, Kolkata, West Bengal, India)
  • Le LMD et les écoles (africaines) en Science de l'Information : l'expérience de l'EBAD
    MAMADOU DIARRA (Ecole de bibliothecaires archivistes et documentalistes (EBAD), Dakar, Senegal)

Sal di Rappresentanza – University of Milan (www.unimi.it/ENG/)
Via Festa del Perdono 7 – 20122 Milano

How to get there (they all stop nearby):
Buses (54, 60, 73, 84, 94)
Trams (12,14,15, 16, 23, 24, 27)
Underground (Duomo station- line 1; Missori station- line 3)

Prof. Fabio Venuda, University of Milan

Maximum number of participants: 100


Off-siteAudiovisual and Multimedia

AV Collections for non-specialist Librarians
A workshop for Librarians in organizations where AV preservation and access are not the main preoccupations, but who need to understand and apply basic principles in limited circumstances

09:00 - 09:30
Welcome & introduction to the workshop objectives
09:30 - 10:00
Types of collections and their specific needs
10:00 - 10:30
Film: Identification and Risk Assessment
How it works. Gauges and supports. Generations and elements.
10:30 - 11:00
coffee break
11:00 - 11:30
Sound: Identification and Risk Assessment
How it works. Format identification. Preservation
11:30 - 12:00
Video: Identification and Risk Assessment
How it works. Format identification. Preservation
12:00 - 13:00
Case Studies:
The Archival Policy of RAI
The EU project PrestoPrime
13:00 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:00
Film: Preservation and Conservation
Storage conditions and life expectancy
Care and handling
15:00 - 15:30
Sound and Video: Preservation and Conservation
Storage conditions for mechanical carriers, magnetic tape, optical carriers
Care and handling
15:30 - 16:00
coffee break
16:00 - 17:00
Transfer and reformatting film, video and sound
17:00 - 18:00
Giving access: on site, on line. Metadata, access formats, rights

PIO MICHELE PELLIZZARI (Chair of the IASA Training & Education Committee) (and Director, Swiss National Sound Archives)
KURT DEGGELLER (Convenor of CCAAA) (and Director, Memoriav - Association for the preservation of the audiovisual heritage of Switzerland)
HOWARD BESSER (Professor of Cinema Studies at New York University)

Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA), International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), Memnon Archiving Services SA, the National Library of Norway, and UNESCO.

Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI), Corso Sempione 27, 20145 Milano (MI), Italy

How to get there:
Train: Milano Nord Domodossola
Trams: 1, 11

Maximum number of participants: 50

Email info@memoriav.ch with Subject "IFLA Workshop"


Division of Special Libraries
From Cultures to Sacred Books: Modern functions of Libraries in the religious traditions of Mediterranean Civilizations -
Dalle culture ai libri di culto: funzioni moderne delle biblioteche nelle tradizioni religiose delle civiltà del Mediterraneo



Presiding mons. FRANCO BUZZI, Prefect of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Greeting: Dionigi Tettamanzi, Archbishop of Milan

Introduction: Steve W. Witt, IFLA II. Division of Special Libraries


  • Prof. BEIT-ARIÉ MALACHI, Professor emeritus of Codicology and Paleography
  • Mons. CESARE PASINI, Prefect of the the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

Libraries of Islamic Area


Lunch (not included)


Vice Prefect of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana


  • BETH. Bibliothèques Europeennes de Théologie
  • CEI. Conferenza Episcopale Italiana. Ufficio Nazionale per i beni culturali ecclesiastici
  • CDEC. Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea
  • ABIE. Asociatión de Bibliotecarios de la Iglesia en España
  • ABEI. Associazione dei Bibliotecari Ecclesiastici Italiani
  • URBE. Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclestiastiche



Ven. Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Sala delle Accademi

Contact persons:
Silvano Danieli (danieli@mar.urbe.it) and Marcello Sardelli (marcello.sardelli@gmail.com)

08.30 – 09.15
88 SI Plenary Session

Meeting with the Author
Benedetta Cibrario, Winner of the 2008 Campiello Prize

Through the personal experience of the author of Rossovermiglio, join us for a "look at contemporary Italian literature: its styles, its trends, its authors, its novels."

Chaired by ANNA-MARIA TAMMARO (Italy), Member of the IFLA Governing Board.

89 IFLA Press Conference

SI Library and Research Services for Parliaments and Library History

Changing visions: parliamentary libraries past, present and the future

  • British Parliamentary Libraries: history, international comparisons and some lessons for tomorrow's legislature libraries
    CHRISTOPHER MURPHY (Ravensbourne Research Limited, UK)
  • The development of parliamentary libraries: Illustrated by examples from the New Zealand Parliamentary Library and others
    MOIRA FRASER and JOHN MARTIN (Parliament of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand)
  • The Sejm Library history
    WOJCIECH KULISIEWICZ (Sejm Library, Poland)
  • Parliamentary libraries - Necessity of keeping the pace with time - case study: The Parliamentary Library of Montenegro: Necessary coming - out from the past
    SVJETLANA ALIGRUDIC (The Library of the Parliament of Montenegro
  • La biblioteca parlamentaria en México, un puente entre el Congreso y la ciudadanía: el caso del servicio de referencia del Centro de Documentación, Información y Análisis de la Cámara de Diputados
    FABIOLA ELENA ROSALES SALINAS (Cámara de Diputados de México, Mexico City, Mexico)
  • Parliamentary Libraries: an uncertain future?
    ANNA GALLUZZI (Senate Library, Rome, Italy)
  • Changing visions of parliamentary libraries 
    IAIN WATT (Library of the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium)

Not presented but available as paper only:

  • A history of reference services in the National library of China, 1928-2008
    WU CHUN LI (National Library of China, Bejing, China)

SI Public Libraries and Metropolitan Libraries

Framing the future for a new agenda for public libraries

  • Keynote presentation
    VICKY McDONALD (State Library of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia)
  • Emerging themes for public libraries looking forward
    CHRISTINE MACKENZIE (Yarra Plenty Regional Library, Bundoora Vic. Australia)
  • Community
    VERONDA J. PITCHFORD (Urban Libraries Council, Chicago, USA)
  • Collections
  • Creativity
    INGA LUNDEN (Stockholm City Library, Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Capabilities – final presentation to be followed by round table discussions on each of the four tracks
    JENS INGEMANN (Copenhagen Public Library, Copenhagen, Denmark)

Statistics and Evaluation, Information Technology and Preservation and Conservation

Statistics for cultural heritage

  • Statistics in preservation as a basis for positive action
    IRMHILD SCHÄFER (Bavarian State Library, Munich, Germany)
  • Statistical tools for the evaluation of preservation needs
    ALISON WALKER and JULIA FOSTER (British Library, London, UK)
  • The project NUMERIC: statistics for the digitisation of the European cultural heritage
    ROSWITHA POLL (Münster, Germany)
  • Digital cultural heritage in the Netherlands: collecting statistics on production investments, and use
  • Measuring usage of cultural heritage documents; The German project Open Access Statistics
    MATTHIAS SCHULZE (University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany)
  • Metrics and strategies for Web Heritage management and preservation
    EMMANUELLE BERMÈS and GILDAS ILLIEN (National Library of France, Paris, France)
  • The DISCmap project: Digitisation of Special Collections: mapping, assessment, prioritisation
    MILENA DOBREVA (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK) et al.
  • Museum statatistical data in Germany and Europe
    MONIKA HAGEDORN-SAUPE and AXEL ERMERT (Institute for Museum Research, Berlin, Germany)

Management and Marketing and Academic and Research Libraries

Libraries of the future - Libraries in the future: Where will we stand 10 years from now?

  • Libraries in Digital Life
    KLAUS CEYNOWA (Bavarian State Library, Munich, Germany)
  • The Future is not far away: the DOK - Library Concept Center
    EPPO VAN NISPEN TOT SEVENAER (DOK -- Library Concept Center, Delft, Netherlands)
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries of the Future: Non-Textual Documents, Considered from a Computer Graphics Perspective
    DIETER W. FELLNER (Fraunhofer Institute of Computer Graphics, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany)
  • To reach the Future: forward-thinking Librarians are leading the charge of change
    STEFFEN WAWRA (University Library, Passau, Germany)

  • Session Chair – Werner Stephan, Library Director, University Library of Stuttgart (IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Section)


Literacy and Reading and Information Literacy

Libraries promoting twenty-first century literacies

  • Transliteracy: take a walk on the wild side
    SUSIE ANDRETTA (London Metropolitan University, London, UK)
  • Building literacy: the relationship between academic literacy, emerging pedagogies and library design
    JILL BEARD and PENNY DALE (Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK)
  • Broad Horizons: The Role of Multimodal Literacy in 21st Century Library Instruction
    SEAN CORDES (Western Illinois University, Macomb, USA )
  • A method for the design, delivery and evaluation  of an information literacy programme for development workers studying Participation, Power and Social Change
    MARK HEPWORTH (Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK) and JULIE BRITTAIN (Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK )
  • Community Learning Centre (CLC): Developing a Learning Society in Bangladesh
    SAFIQUL ISLAM (BRAC, Bangladesh)
  • A constructivist approach to media literacy education: The role of the library
    KIM E. MOODY (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
  • Effects of Online Audio-Book Resources on Library Usage and Reading Preferences and Practices of Young Learners in an Elementary School Library Setting in Hong Kong
    PATRICK LO (Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK; Hong Kong (SAR), China)
  • Visual literacy: to comics or not to comics? How libraries can promote literacy using comics
    LEONÉ TIEMENSMA (Midrand Graduate Institute, Kempton Park, South Africa)
  • Promote Popular Cultural Literacy throughout the Countryside in China
    HUANG QUNQING and XU YIXING (Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, China)
94a Asia and Oceania SC I (White 1)

Access to Information Network Africa (ATINA) - Réseau d'accès à l'information en Afrique (RAIA)

From the classical community of knowledge to A2K : the commonwealth of information in Africa  - Le bien public de l'information en Afrique, dès la communauté grécoromaine des connaissances  jusqu'à l'ère du droit d'auteur et du libre accès

  • L'impact historique en Afrique du Nord de la Bibliothèque d'Alexandrie et d'autres bibliothèques de l'ère classique grécoromaine jusqu'en moyen âge musulman - The historical influence in North Africa of Alexandria's library and other classical Greek and Roman libraries down into the Muslim Middle Ages
    ROSALINE NYANJOU éP NJIKE (Bureau Sous Régional de l'UNESCO en Afrique Centrale, Yaoundé, Cameroun)
  • Colonial knowledge pathways back to the European capitals and how to use them to recover the history of African knowledge in the early 20th century - Pistes de recherche dans les capitales coloniales européennes pour dévoiler l'histoire des connaissances africaines dans la première moitié du 20ème siècle
    FRANCIS T. KIRKWOOD (Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Canada)
  • The African Copyright & Access to Knowledge (ACA2K) Project: a brief overview - Droit d’auteur et Accès au Savoir en Afrique (D2ASA): apercus
    DENISE ROSEMARY NICHOLSON (University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)
  • L'impact du droit d'auteur sur l'accès à la connaissance au Sénégal - The influence of copyright on access to knowledge in Senegal
    ASSANE FAYE (Université Bambey, Bambey, Sénégal)
12.45-13.45 Lunch

SI Latin America and Caribbean

Preserving and conserving the cultural heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • La biblioteca oral: el doble giro de la esritura y la oralidad en la preservación d ela tradición oral
    LUIS CHÁVEZ RODRÍGUEZ (Boston University, Boston, USA)
  • Biblioteca virtual Pedro de Angelis: padrones de interoperabilidad en el acceso y preservación del patrimonio cultural en América Latina
    ANGELA MONTEIRA BETTENCOURT (Fundación Biblioteca Nacional del Brasil, Brazil) and ELSA BARBER (Biblioteca Nacional Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Conocer, valorar y difundir el patrimonio documental de América Latina y el Caribe
    ROSA MARÍA FERNÁNDEZ DE ZAMORA (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico)
  • Un paisaje del azúcar: recuperación de archives fotográficos personales de una comunidad azucarera
    MAYLIN FRÍAS GUZMÁN (Universidad Central "Martha Abreu"de las Villas, Cuba)


Digital preservation and the new website

  • Introduction – Caroline Brazier
  • The quality of quantity: newspaper digitization at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek
    EDWIN KLIJN (National Library of the Netherlands, The Hague, Netherlands)
  • The Australian Newspapers service and user interaction through text correction
    PAM GATENBY (National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia)
  • The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP): a distributed national effort to enhance access to America's newspapers
    MARK SWEENEY (Library of Congress, Washington, USA)
  • Presentation on new ICADS website
  • Panel Question and Answer Session

Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning with  New Professionals SIG

Creating a positive work environment for a multi-generational library and information workforce

  • Report from the Bologna Satellite Meeting: Moving in, moving up, and moving on: strategies for regenerating the library and information profession
    LOIDA GARCIA-FEBO (Queens Public Library, New York, USA) and JANA VARLEJS (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA)
  • The baby manages the boomers and beyond: new library administrators managing older workers in small library settings
    WAYNE FINLEY (Northern Illinois University Library, Dekalb, USA) and JOANNA KLUEVER (Julia Hull District Library, Stillman Valley, USA)
  • Preparing for the next generation librarianship: innovations to tailor library and information workforce to match the new environment in Makerere University, Uganda
    ALISON ANNET KINENGYERE and GORRETI K. TUMUHAIRWE (Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda)
  • E-learning contribution to the building of a multi-generational workplace learning community in an academic library: observations drawn from practice
    MATILDE FONTANIN (University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy)
  • All dressed up and no place to go: addressing the under-classification of librarians and creating opportunities for development in an academic library
    VANESSA WARREN (University of Tasmania, Launceston, Australia)

Agricultural Libraries

Worldwide trends in open access to agricultural information

  • Barriers to open access to scientific information in Kenya, with particular reference to agricultural information
    FLORENCE MUINDE and G.E. GORMAN (Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
  • Aquatic commons model: the roles of IAMSLIC, FAO and IFREMER in supporting open access to fisheries and aquaculture research and management
    STEPHANIE HAAS (University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA), PATRICIA MERRIKIN and ARMAND GRIBLING (FAO David Lubin Memorial Library, Rome, Italy) and FRED MERCEUR (Bibliothèque La Pérouse, Ifremer, France)
  • Open Archive@FAO : Providing Open Access to agricultural information and knowledge
    IMMA SUBIRATS, ANDREW BAGDANOV, STEPHEN KATZ and CLAUDIA NICOLAI (Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy)
  • Citation impact of the open access agricultural research: comparison between OA and Non-OA Publications
    KAYVAN KOUSHA (University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran) and  MASHID ABDOLI (National Library and Archives of Iran, Tehran, Iran)
  • Open Access initiatives for agricultural information transfer systems in India
    PARAJ SHUKLA *(Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India) and ANAND P. SINGH (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India)
  • Towards cohesive consortia organisation and smart partnerships: enabling sustainable open access and effective utilisation of agriculture e-resources in academic and research libraries in Zimbabwe
    RONALD MUNTASI (Law Library, Zimbabwe Parliament Library, Harare, Zimbabwe)

Officers Training Session (Business Meeting)


SI Libraries for Children and Young Adults and Library Buildings and Equipment

If I was the director

  • Children’s media culture: a key to libraries of the future?
    KIRSTEN DROTNER, (Danish Research Centre on Education and Advanced Media Materials, Odense, Denmark)
  • The History of Children’s Library Design: Continuities and Discontinuities
    ALISTAIR BLACK and CAROLYNN RANKIN (Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK)
  • Design a space for children in public library in developing country: a case study in Indonesia public library
    NOVE E. VARIANT ANNA (Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia)
  • The red tread - new central library in Hjørring, Denmark
    TONE LUNDEN (Hjørring Library, Denmark)
  • Designing tomorrow's libraries with children's views
    H. INCI ÖNAL (Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey)
  • Library of 100 Talents – Heerhugowaard, Netherlands
    KAREN BERTRAMS (Probiblio, Hoofdorp, Netherlands)
  • Jacksonville Public Library, Children's and Teens Libraries
    BARBARA GUBBIN (Jacksonville Public Library, USA) and ALEX LAMIS (A. M. Stern Architects, New York, USA)
  • Environments in public libraries for young children around the world
    GONZALO OYARZUN (Santiago Public Library, Chile) JAMES R. KELLER (Vitetta Library design Studio, Philadelphia, USA) and KATHELEEN R.T. IMHOFF (Lexington Public Library, Lexington, USA)

Keynote speakers will be KIRSTEN DROTNER, Professor, Danish Research Centre on Education and Advanced Media Materials, Odense, Denmark and ALISTAIR BLACK, Professor in Library and Information History, Leeds Metropolitan University.


SI Copyright and other Legal Matters with Academic and Research Libraries

Libraries and mass digitisation: Intellectual property challenges

  • The Google Book Settlement: Love It or Leave It?
    Panel: JONATHAN BAND (policybandwidth, Washington DC, USA), HERMAN SPRUIJT (International Publishers Association, Netherlands), Jon Orwant (Google, USA) and JAMES G. NEAL (Columbia University, USA)
  • Orphan Works finally adopted: a Dutch solution for rescuing cultural heritage
    WILMA MOSSINK (SURF Foundation, Netherlands)

Library Theory and Research

Research into open access

  • Open Access Initiatives in Academic Libraries : Challenge to the User
    KAUR KIRAN (University of Malaya, Malaysia ) and YIP PING CHIA (University Tunku Abdal Rahman, Malaysia)
  • Subject Librarians' Perceptions of the Institutional Repository as an Information Source
    JAMES T. REVELL (University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand) and DAN DORNER (Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand)
  • Citation impact of open access IFLA Annual Conference papers: a methodological approach
    KAYVAN KOUSHA (University of Teheran, Teheran, Iran) and MAHSHID ABDOLI (National Library & Archives, Teheran, Iran)
  • The challenges of advocating for open access through institutional repository building: experiences from Makerere University, Uganda
    MIRIAM KAKAI (Makerere University Library, Mampala, Uganda)


Newspapers in the Mediterranean and the evolution of the modern state

  • Les collections de presse à la Bibliothèque Nationale Centrale de Rome: face au défi de la sédimentation et de la transmission d’une mémoire collective nationale
    PAOLA PUGLISI (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II, Rome, Italy)
  • Digitizing the Historical Periodical Collection at the Al-Aqsa Mosque Library in East Jerusalem
    KRYSTYNA K. MATUSIAK (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries, Milwaukee, USA) and QASEM ABU HARB (Arab Studies Society in East Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel)
  • The role of scientific journals following the unification of Italy
    LORETTA DE FRANCESCHI (University of Urbino, Urbino, Italy)
  • "The power of lead"- the role of the nineteenth-century British Press in keeping the "Italian Question" before 1860 on the British political agenda and in the minds of the British Public
    DENIS REIDY (The British Library, London, UK)


New principles, new rules for new catalogues

  • News of ISBD
    ELENA ESCOLANO RODRIGUEZ (Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid, Spain), LYNNE HOWARTH (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada), MIRNA WILLER (University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia), BORIS BOSANČIĆ (University of J.J. Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia)
    1. New cataloguing rules in Italy (in two parts):
    2. Every reader his work, every work its title (& author): the new Italian cataloguing code
      ALBERTO PETRUCCIANI (Università degli studi di Pisa, Pisa, Italy)
    3. Music in Italy: catalogues and cataloguing rules for an extraordinary heritage
      MASSIMO GENTILI-TEDESCHI (Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Ufficio Ricerca Fondi Musicali, Milan, Italy)
  • The Cataloging Cultural Objects Experience: Codifying Practice for the Cultural Heritage Community
    ERIN COBURN (The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, United States), ELISA LANZI (Smith College, Northampton, MA, United States), ELIZABETH O'KEEFE (The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, United States), REGINE STEIN (Bildarchiv Foto Marburg, Phillips Universität, Marburg, Germany), ANN WHITESIDE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, United States)
  • Identification and categorization of related works in the Persian bibliographic universe
    SHOLEH ARASTOOPOR, RAHMATOLLA FATTAHI and MEHRI PARIROKH(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran)
108 Officers Training Session (Business Meeting)
109 Africa SC I

Tuesday 25 August 2009

111 Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning SC II
112 Library Services to users with Special Needs SC II
114 Reading and Literacy SC II
115 SI Plenary Session

Culture and art in the world, in Italy and particularly in Milan
CARLA FRACCI, Director, Corpo di Ballo del Teatro dell’Opera di Roma

An artist's look at the world of culture and art. A personal experience where many histories and extraordinary meetings flow together, told by one of the greatest dancers of the twentieth century, who also had the great honor of representing Italy all over the world.
Constantly engaged to reaffirm the importance of culture and art: "A Country without culture and art, without means to support culture and art, is a Country that doesn’t renew itself, that stops denying itself a future, true, authentic and overall free."

Chaired by GIOVANNI PUGLISI (Italy), Rector of the Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM di Milano. Professor Puglisi will also give a short welcome speech for Ms. Fracci.


Off-siteDigital Library Futures: user perspective and institutional strategies (by invitation only)


Welcome by the University of Milan, Headmaster of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Elio Franzini
Welcome by the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, Director General for Library Heritage, Cultural Institutes and Copyright, Maurizio Fallace
Welcome by IFLA, IFLA President, Claudia Lux
Introduction to the conference theme by Chair of IFLA Professional Committee Advisory Board, Patrice Landry

Session 1 – The Digital Library User Experience: a focus on current user research

Session Chair – Caroline Brazier, Associate Director, British Library and Chair of ICADS (IFLA-CDNL Alliance for Digital Strategies)


  • Professor David Nicholas, Director of Department of Information Studies and CIBER, University College London – London – UK
  • Daniel Teruggi, INA / Chair of Europeana User Group – Paris – France
  • Elke Greifeneder, Lecturer, Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Assistant Editor of Library HiTech. – Berlin – Germany

11.00 Coffee

Session 2 – Digital Library content: what users want and how they use it

Session Chair – Trine Kolderup Flaten, Library Director, Bergen Public Library and Chair of the IFLA Division Management & Technology


  • Professor Einar Røttingen, University of Bergen, The Grieg Academy Department of Music, Bergen - Norway
  • Susan Hazan, Curator of New Media and Head of the Internet Office, Israel Museum, Jerusalem – Israel

13.00 Lunch

Session 3 – Strategies for Institutions: responding to the digital challenge

Session Chair – Ingrid Parent, Librarian, University of British Columbia and Chair of the IFLA Division General Research Libraries


  • Professor Zhu Qiang, Director of Beijing University Library, Executive Director of the Chinese Academic Libraries and Information Systems – Beijing – China
  • Rossella Caffo, Director of ICCU (Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information); Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBAC)- Rome – Italy

15.30 Coffee

Session 3 – Strategies for Institutions: responding to the digital challenge (continued)

John Van Oudenaeren, Director World Digital Library, Library of Congress – Washington – USA
Herman P. Spruijt, President International Publishers Association (IPA) – Leiden - Netherlands


Closing address – Penny Carnaby, Chief Executive and National Librarian, National Library of New Zealand and Chair of CDNL (Conference of Directors of National Libraries) – Wellington – New Zealand

Final Summary – Anna Maria Tammaro – Researcher University of Parma, Italy and chair of the IFLA Division of Education and Research – on behalf of the IFLA Professional Committee

18.00 Closure – Ellen Tise – IFLA President elect


University of Milan - Universita degli studi di Milano - Aula Magna – Via Festa del Perdone 7 Milano


SI Free Access To Information And Freedom Of Expression (FAIFE)

Ethics in the Library Workplace

  • Filtration in Russian libraries: who makes a decision?
    IRINA TRUSHINA (National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
  • "Librarians shushed no more:" The USA PATRIOT Act, the "Connecticut Four," and professional ethics
    BARBARA JONES (Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, USA)
  • Revisionism and Professional Ethics
    GUILA COOPER (Bibliothèque de l'Alliance Israélite Universelle, Paris, France)
    (Guila Cooper will give her presentation in English and not in French as previously announced)
  • The Rape of Europa on the Manitoba Prairies
    GABY DIVAY (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
  • Promoting Information Equality to Bridge the Information and Digital Divide: the ethical obligation of South African librarians of KwaZulu-Natal Library
    UMASHANIE REDDY (University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada)


Convergence in preservation research between libraries, archives and museums

  • Welcome
    Christiane Baryla (IFLA PAC Core activity Director)
  • Introduction
    DIANNE VAN DER REYDEN (Library of Congress, Washington D.C. USA)
  • New researches in mass de-acidification: "Some progress towards a multifunctional mass de-acidification process"
    HERVÉ CHÉRADAME (Université d'Evry - Laboratoire Matériaux Polymères aux Interfaces, Vice President, Centre de Conservation du Livre, Arles, France)
  • Indoor air management and cultural heritage preservation
    ADRIANA BERNARDI (CNR-ISAC (Italian National Research Council, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate), Padova, Italy
  • Towards a digitization in 3D: some issues of special collections preservation and digitization based on BnF collections (Coronelli Globes and set models for Paris Opera), Paris, France
    (To be confirmed - Sous reserve)
  • Building on cultural heritage through "Connecting to Collections: a Call to Action"
    MARY CHUTE (Institute of Museum and Library Services, Washington D.C. USA)

@ your library - Campaign for the World's Libraries @ your library

Michael Dowling, ALA


SI Knowledge Management, Library and Research Services for Parliaments and Information Technology

Social computing tools for learning and knowledge sharing

  • Community Tools
    FRANK CERVONE (Vice Chancellor, Information Services, Purdue University)
  • Connecting Congress with Citizens
    SOLEDAD FERREIRO and JOSé MIGUEL MUGA (Chilean Library of Congress (BCN), Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional, Chili)
  • Encouraging Learning & Knowledge Sharing
    STACY LANGNER (Khulisa Management Services)
    Building Community & Collaboration
    MADELEINE LEFEBVRE (Ryerson University)
  • Engaging Communities & Sharing Knowledge
    MOIRA FRASER (Parliament of New Zealand)
  • Improving Customer Service
    KAROLIEN SELHORST (Vlissingen Public Library, Netherlands)
  • Adoption Rates
    FRANK CERVONE (Purdue University)

The session concludes with a look at the adoption rates of social networking tools at various types of libraries


Geography and Map Libraries, Science and Technology Libraries and Division of Special Libraries

Cultural heritage preserved: the role of digital maps

  • Geological Survey of Brazil: 40 years producing and providing data and geological information
    CLAUDIA LOPES (CPRM-Geological Survey of Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Facilitating access to the fascinating past: technical issues in creating the CD Riga in Cartographic Images 1621-1710
    RUDĪTE KALNIŅA. (National Library of Latvia, Department of Restoration and Digitization, Latvia) and INESE A. SMITH (Loughborough University, UK)
  • The Use of a Digital Map as a Search Interface in Preserving the Traditional Blackfoot Worldview
    MARINUS SWANEPOEL (University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada)
  • Digitizing the past, the beginning of a new future: the process of digitizing 12,000 historical maps and making them accessible via the internet
    PETER LEVI (Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, Information & Library Services, Netherlands)
  • File formats for very large maps and digital preservation
    PAOLO BUONORA and FRANCO LIBERATI (Italian State Archives, Rome, Italy)
  • The Digitization of an Ancient Map using GIS Technology: the Yu ji tu Map
    BAI HONGYE (National Library of China, Beijing, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, China)
    (Author is not attending the congress, paper added to online programme for information)
  • Rare Map Materials Made Digital: Scanning and Metadata to Archiving and Access
    KIMBERLY C. KOWAL (The British Library, Map Library, Lead Curator and Curator of Digital Mapping, UK) and JOHN RHATIGAN (The British Library, British Collections, Project Manager, Vulnerable Collection Items Project, UK)
  • CartoMundi:  A New Way of Indexing Mapping Documentation.
    JEAN-LUC ARNAUD (CNRS - Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme, Aix-en-Provence, France)

President-Elect Brainstorm Session

Ellen Tise, President-Elect

For details, please see the Session Programme

123 School Libraries and Research Services SC II
124 Audiovisual and Multimedia SC II
125 Preservation and Conservation SC II

SI LIS Education in Developing Countries SIG

Preparing future librarians in developing countries: a vision for LIS education in the 21st century

  • Future librarians in Southern Africa: Case of Zimbabwe
    COLLINS CHISITA (Library & Information Science, Harare Polytechnic, Zimbabwe)
  • Preparing future librarians in India: A vision for LIS schools in the 21st Century?
    ARJUN DASGUPTA (University of Calcutta, WestBengal, India)

E-metrics SIG


  • ARL e-metrics
    COLLEN COOK (Texas A&M University Libraries, Tamu, US)
  • E-metrics in ISO standards
    ROSWITHA POLL (Münster, Germany)
  • How to measure virtual visits 
    SEBASTIAN MUNDT (Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart, Germany)

Web-editors Meeting (Business Meeting)

See 1st hour of session 160.

If circumstances at the time allow us, we may extend the session to cover some of Session 160's 2nd hour.


Poster Sessions

12.45-13.45 Lunch
130 Reference and Information Services SC II
131 Serials and other Continuing Resources SC II
132 Genealogy and Local History SC II

SI Government Libraries

Transforming learning cultures: government libraries as the treasures within

  • Sharing knowledge and experiences in a special libraries network: the Intranet of the Xarxa Biblioteques Especialitzades de la Generalitat (XBEG )
    MAITE CUENDE and ELISENDA MACIÀ (Catalonia's autonomous government Special Libraries Catalogue, Catalonia, Spain)
  • The government library’s role in building a learning government
    QINWEI GAO (Library of China, National School of Administration, Beijing China)
  • Hidden collections: Government libraries as research resources
    Ma del CARMEN DIEZ HOYO (Biblioteca HispÁnica, Madrid, Spain) and  Ma ARACELI GARCÍA MARTÍN (Biblioteca HispÁnica, Madrid, Spain)
  • The Evolutionary development of the Digital Library in the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran: from simple digital imaging to the use of web-based databases
    MAHMOOD FAKHERI and FARIBA HEIDARI BEIGVAND (The Central Bank of Islamic Republic of Iran, Iran)

SI Library Services to People with Special needs

Reading and literacy promotion in prison: model library programmes

  • Les bibliothèques des établissements pénitentiaires en France: l’exemple de la région Rhône-Alpes
    ODILE CRAMARD (Agence Rhône-Alpes pour le livre et la documentation (ARALD), Lyon, France)
  • Les bibliothèques communales en prison à Rome
    FABIO DE GROSSI (Biblioteche di Roma, Rome, Italy)
  • Los programas de promoción de la lectura en centros penitenciarios en España
    MARGARITA PÉREZ PULIDO (University of Extremadura, Faculty of Library & Information Science, Badajoz, Spain)
  • Breaking barriers with books: connecting incarcerated fathers with their children
    VIBEKE LEHMANN (Library and Education Technology Consultant, Madison, USA)


UNIMARC and the future of catalogues

  • Third edition of UNIMARC Manual: Authorities Format: Implementing concepts from the FRAD model and the IME ICC Statement of International Cataloguing Principles
    MIRNA WILLER (University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia)
  • FRBR information discovery in traditional catalogues: the TelPlus experience 
    NUNO FREIRE, ROSA GALVÃO and MARGARIDA LOPES (National Library of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal)
  • UNIMARC, RDA and the Semantic Web
    GORDON DUNSIRE (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland)
  • The new Italian Cataloguing Rules (REICAT) and the UNIMARC standard: open problems and proposals for the application in library catalogues
    ANTONELLA TROMBONE (Universita' degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy) and FERNANDA CANEPA (Berio Library, Genoa, Italy)
  • An evaluation of multi-language/multi-script functions in KOHA
    NAICHENG CHANG (Tatung University, Taipei, China) and YUCHIN TSAI (National Applied Research Laboratories, Taipei, China)

Law Libraries

The Italian legal system, basics and new trends

  • Law with special emphasis on the protection of cultural property
    ELENA BARGELLI   (Italy)
  • Law libraries in Italy
    ROSA MAIELLO (Italy)

National Organisations and International Relations

International relations and national organisations

This inaugural session of the NOIR SIG will consist of a series of round table discussions to develop projects and activities for the Group. Topics will be based on the key issues raised at the start-up meeting of the Group at the 2008 Quebec Congress. Anyone engaged with or interested in the international activities of national-level organisations is welcome to attend. Come and contribute to the future direction of the NOIR SIG!

138 Library and Research Services for Parliaments SC II

Off-siteFAIFE Open Session

Milan State University, Napoleonica Room, Via S.Antonio 10/12

How to get there:
Underground red line to Duomo station, then walk on via Larga

Maximum number of participants: 25

139 Geography and Map Libraries SC II
141 Children and Young Adults SC II

SI Science and Technology Libraries

Open access to science and technology research worldwide: strategies and best practices

  • Interactive open access publishing and public peer review: The effectiveness of transparency and self-regulation in scientific quality assurance
    ULRICH PÖSCHL (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany)
  • Open access practice in National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
    LI LIN, LIU XIWEN, and ZHANG XIAOLIN (National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
  • Open Access policies in developing and transition countries
    IRYNA KUCHMA (eIFL.net, Rome, Italy)
  • Le libre accès dans les universités arabes: Opinions et pratiques des chercheurs et des éditeurs
    WAHID GDOURA (Manouba University, Tunis, Tunisia)

SI Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section

The interlending, document delivery and resource sharing tradition: evolving with the changing knowledge economy

  • Document supply and electronic course reserves: two services, one pattern
    ANNA VAGLIO (Bocconi University Library, Milan, Italy)
  • New approaches for interlibrary loan operations in Turkey: KITS (Interlibrary Loan Tracking System
    ERTUGRUL CIMEN (Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey), AYHAN TUGLU (Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey), MEHMET MANYAS (Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey), SEMA CELIKBAS and ZEKI CELIKBAS (Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey)

Bill & Melinda Gates, Access to Learning Award 2009

All delegates are invited to attend the announcement of the 2009 Access to Learning Award, which recognizes the innovative efforts of a public library or similar organization outside the United States to connect people to information through free access to computers and the Internet. Now in its tenth year, the award has honored ground-breaking projects around the world that are improving people's lives through access to technology. The award will be presented by a representative from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, with an open reception to follow immediately.


Health and Biosciences Libraries

Consumer health: health literacy, patient empowerment and health promotion

  • Teachers of Health Information Literacy – Future roles for librarians as supported by the Medical Library Association/National Library of Medicine’s Health Information Literacy Research Project
    JEAN P. SHIPMAN (University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA) and CARLA J. FUNK (U.S. Medical Library Association, USA)
  • Outreach for rural public library staff: an effective means for consumer health information disseminationa
    MARY GRACE FLAHERTY (Syracuse University; Syracuse, USA)
  • Research on the developing policies of army medical library in the new information environment
    HAO JIYING, CHEN RUI and ZHANG LILI (Medical Library of the Chinese PLA, Beijing, China)
  • China's Sichuan Earthquake: Role of a Medical Library in the Immediate Recovery Process - Insights and Observations
    CHENG JIN, ZHAN YOUXIANG, CHEN RUI, HAO JUNQIN, HE WEI (Medical Library of Chinese PLA, Beijing, China)
  • Introducing the concept of consumer health information to Romania
    OCTAVIA-LUCIANA PORUMBEANU (University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania), BRUCE MADGE (The London Upright MRI Centre, London, UK)
  • Seeking Access To Health Information :The Dilemma Of Woman Community In Rural Malaysia
    AHMAD BAKERI ABU BAKAR (International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  • Women’s Health Literacy and Health Promotion: our initiatives in West Bengal, India
    RATNA BANDYOPADHYAY, SARBANI GOSWAMI and SABAHAT NAUSHEEN (University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India)
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs and Women: A Multi-level Information Access Approach
    CLAUDIA J. GOLLOP (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, USA)
  • Improving consumer access to HIV/AIDS information through outreach program in developing countries: the experience of a medical librarian
    UJU E.NWAFOR-ORIZU (Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi, Nigeria)
  • Access to Health Information: a case study of the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) College of Health Sciences (CHS) Digital Library
    AGNES CHIKONZO (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe)
  • Information Literacy for the National Network of Clinical Trials: A Cuban project
    ANIA TORRES POMBERT (National Coordinating Centre of Clinical Trials (CENCEC), Cuba )

Asia and Oceania

Preserving the past – creating the future

  • Citizen-created content, digital equity and the preservation of community memory
    PENNY CARNABY - presented by SUE SUTHERLAND (National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand)
  • Digitizing Polynesian photographs in American Samoa
    STEVEN LIN (American Samoa Community College, Pago Pago, USA)
  • The digitization of cultural resources: an exploration of current issues and the future outlook-a comparison of japan and other countries
    NORIO TOGIYA and AKIRA BABA (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)
  • Early learnings from the national library of New Zealand’s National Digital Heritage Archive project
    STEVE KNIGHT (National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand)
  • Building collective memory of No Gun Ri: creating archives as memory
    DONGHEE SINN (State University of New York, New York, USA)

National Association Members Meeting

148 Newspapers SC II
149 Knowledge Management SC II
150 Public Libraries SC II
150a Health and Biosciences SC II

Wednesday 26 August 2009

151 Africa SC II
152 Government Libraries SC II
153 Science and Technology Libraries SC II
08.30 – 09.30
154 SI Plenary Session

Digital Library Futures: user perspective and institutional strategies
Panel Discussion based on the outcomes of the off-site workshop held on Tuesday 25 August in University of Milan

Time to be confirmed

Off-siteRare Books and Manuscripts

Professional visit to Palatina Library and Bodoni Museum in Parma

Biblioteca Palatina, Piazza della Pilotta 3, Parma

How to get there:
By train from the Central Station of Milan. Meeting at 2,30 p.m at the station to buy the tickets (scheduled train at 3 p.m)

Maximum number of participants: 20

Dr. Luisa Buson

Polo delle collezioni antiche e special

Sistema bibliotecario di Ateneo

Università di Padova

08.30 – 16.00

Annual meeting of CDNL, Conference of Directors of National Libraries (For members only)


Sforza Castle (Castello Sforzesco), Milan. The castle is located in Sempione Park (Parco Sempione) in the centre of Milan.

Registration and information:

Mon 24 August, 10.30-11.30, Meeting Room 6

Tue 25 August, 10.30-11.30, Meeting Room 6

For information on how to register for the Annual Meeting of CDNL, see www.cdnl.info


Off-site Library and Research Services for Parliaments

Library and Research Services for Parliaments Management Workshops Day

The Regione Lombardia, Giunta Regionale, via Pola, 12-14, Milan

How to get there:
Underground MM2 (green line) Stop Gioia or MM3 (yellow line) Stop Zara; Bus 82 (Via Pola) or 90/91 (Via N. Sauro) or 92 (Via N. Sauro); Tram 5-11 (Piazza Lagosta)

Maximum number of participants: 80

Contact person:


Library Services to Multicultural Populations

Creativity and the arts: libraries building on multicultural heritage

  • Join us for a journey through Islamic Art
    KIRSTEN LETH NIELSEN (Oslo Public Library, Oslo, Norway)
  • National Library of Serbia as the coordinator of the European Romani Digital Collection
    VESNA INJAC (National Library of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia)
  • Memory, Authenticity and Cultural Identity: the role of library programs, services and collections in creating community
    WILLIAM WELBURN (The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, USA) and VERONDA PITCHFORD (Chicago Urban Libraries Council, Chicago, USA)
  • Library helps Russian minority preserve traditions online
    ANCA CHRISTINA RAPEANU (International Research and Exchange Board (IREX), Bucharest, Romania)

Information Literacy

Promoting the Information Literacy Logo: A Brainstorming Workshop on How to Use it

Jesús Lau (Universidad Veracruzana)
Lind Goff (California State University, Sacramento)
Jesús Cortes (Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez)


Web-editors Meeting (Business Meeting)

The session will be in a presentational setting only: show and tell.

Presenter: IFLA Web Manager; if available assisted by the IFLA Web Content Coordinator

  • 1st hour: Short introduction to editing the IFLA website for beginning Web Editors (and those thinking of becoming one), followed by more in depth presentations of some of the crucial functions of our content management system (CMS).
  • 2nd hour: Q and A (questions and answers). This is the part that the more experienced Web Editors may find of interest.

IFLA Publications

Chair: SJOERD KOOPMAN (IFLA Professional Programmes Director, The Hague, Netherlands)

2009 is another very productive year as regards new IFLA publications. This slot in the congress programme enables conference delegates to inform themselves about important publications that have recently appeared.

Authors and editors are presenting some of the top new titles recently published. They will sketch the backgrounds and the importance of these new publications for the various subfields of the profession. The variety is as broad as the IFLA palette of activities: new publications on bibliographic control, libraries in developing countries, information literacy, library statistics, newspaper librarianship, guidelines of various sorts etc.

Take this opportunity to meet the authors and to learn about the latest state of play and... of course you can place your orders!

During this session more information will be presented on the forthcoming Frankfurt Book Fair (14-18 October 2009) by the Press Officer of "Frankfurt":

  • Mobile life styles – mobile reading

  • THOMAS MINKUS (Frankfurt, Germany):
    The digital age and the development of new technologies are continually changing our lifestyles, our habits and in recent years also our reading behaviour. In this period of change, publishing houses all over the world face the same challenges: How to react on the new developments? And how to predict what will be the relevant solutions of tomorrow?

    The Frankfurt Book Fair is observing the recent evolution closely and gives an overview on what the specific trends in different countries are – from China to the USA

SI Management of Library Associations, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning and ALP

Librarians on the catwalk: communicating for advocacy to influence policy and practice

  • The committee for the support of libraries: a model of library networking in Greece
    ANNA AMENDOLAGINE (Instituto Italiano di Cultura, Athens, Greece)
  • Advocacy for library development: action plan, policies and practices in India
    MAITRAYEE GHOSH (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India)
  • Reframing organizations through communication and advocacy
    MAGGIE FARRELL (University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA) and BARBARA PREECE (Boston Library Consortium, Boston, USA)
  • To influence the Government Policy: the experience from the Library Society of China
    TANG GENGSHENG and WU YUE (Library Society of China, Beijing, China)
  • Building librarians' capacity to advocate successfully leads to sustainable libraries
    JANET SAWAYA (Global Libraries initiative, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA), MONICA GRECU (International Research and Exchanges Board, Romania), KRISTINE PABERZA (Impact Specialist, Father’s Third Son, Latvia), PILAR PACHECO (BiblioRedes Program, Chile) and GRETA SOUTHARD (Public Library Association, USA)
  • Influence of the collegiate bodies in public politics for the legislation of state and municipal libraries netwok: Chihuahua, Mexico case
    JAVIER TARANGO (Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico) and GERARDO ASCENCIO (Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico )
  • Through another pair of eyes: internal alignment for successful advocacy
    JOSH BILYK, SKYE RODGERS and MARGARET LAW (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
  • Film on making presentations followed by discussion, and mentoring opportunities
    SUSAN SCHNUER (The University of Illinois - Mortenson Center, USA), BARBARA FORD (The University of Illinois - Mortenson Center, USA ) and PAUL NIEUWENHUYSEN (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Review of making presentation session and wrap-up of programme
    SYLVIA PIGGOT (Global Information Solutions Group, Montreal, Canada) and SINIKKA SIPILAE (Finnish Library Association, Helsinki, Finland)

SI Rare Books and Manuscripts, Preservation and Conservation and Library History

Dispersed cultural collections. Preservation, reconstruction and access

  • Virtual reunification, virtual preservation and enhance conservation at the British Library
    HELEN SHENTON (British Library, London, UK)
  • Virtual reunification as the future of 'codices dispersi': Practices and standards developed by e-codices Virtual Library of Switzerland
    ANNE MARIE AUSTENFELD (Mediävistisches Institut der Universitsät Freiburg, Freiburg, Switzerland)
  • Discovering and studying the ancient handwritten cultural heritage
    ORNELLA FOGLIENI and GILIOLA BARBERO (Regione Lombardia, Milan, Italy)
  • The library of the Cistercian Abbey of Clairvaux at the time of Pierre de Virey (1472)
    LOUIS BURLE (Médiathèque de l'agglomération Troyenne, Troyes, France)
  • Deconstruction and reconstruction: detecting and interpreting sophisticated copies
    MARGARET LANE FORD (Christie's, London, UK)
  • Dispersed musical treasures. The music autographs of Beethoven and Bach at the Berlin State Library
    BARBARA SCHNEIDER-KEMPF (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Germany)
  • 'Returning home': migration and repatriation of Latvian cultural objects and collections
    INESE A. SMITH (Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK)
164 Metropolitan Libraries SC II
165 Acquisition and Collection Development SC II
166 Art Libraries SC II
167 Classification and Indexing SC II

Environmental Sustainability and Libraries SIG

Libraries and awareness about Sustainability

  • Viabilité environnementale et bibliothèques Un nouveau groupe d’intérêts spécialisés de l’IFLA
    VINCENT BONNET (Alcazar – BMVR Marseille, Département Arts et spectacle, Marseille, France)
  • Construire une médiathèque Haute Qualité Environnementale : pour une démarche durable et raisonnée
    CHRISTEL DUCHEMANN (Centre social et culturel, Méricourt, France)
  • Contribución de las bibliotecas al objetivo Nº 7 de desarrollo del milenio: garantizar la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente
    MARIA ARACELI GARCÍA MARTÍN (Biblioteca Hispánica, Madrid, Spain)
  • An agenda for the environmental sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group
    VEERLE MINNER VAN NEYGEN (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Getafe, Spain)
  • Creation of the RECDIA network project
    ROSARIO TORIL MORENO (CENEAM, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Spain), MONSERRAT GRABOLOSA SELLABONA (Parque Natural de la Zona Volcania de la Garrotxa, Departemento de Medio Ambiente y Vivienda, Generalitat de Cataluna, Spain) and  ANA SÁNCHEZ MONTAÑÉS (IEDCYT CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigationes Cientificas, Minsterio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain)

Corporate Partners Meeting

By invitation only


Libraries and the Web 2.0

The library 2.0 project showroom

171 Library Buildings and Equipment SC II
172 Cataloguing SC II
173 Bibliography SC II
174 Document Delivery and Resource Sharing SC II

Government Information and Official Publications

Government publications as cultural heritage: preserving the past, keeping up with the present, embracing the future

  • Transformation of the U.S. International Exchange Service: Project Report
    JUDY MANSFIELD and BEACHER WIGGINS (Library of Congress, Washington, USA)
  • General Guideline for design of a low cost digital library for special library users in developing countries and the Arabic speaking world
    RAMADAN ELAIESS (University of Garyounis, Benghazi, Libya)
  • Botswana Government Publications: turning the pages of culture
    VIOLET RADIPORO (University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana)
  • Access to Government Information in India in the Digital Environment
    PARAMAJEET K. WALIA (University of Delhi, Delhi, India)
  • Providing government information and services in the Chinese public library
    JIN XUEMEI (Shenzhen Science and Technology Library, Shenzhen, China)

Poster Sessions

12.45-13.45 Lunch
176 Law Libraries SC II
177 Statistics and Evaluation SC II

SI Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) with Free Access To Information And Freedom Of Expression (FAIFE)

Libraries and the Internet: public policy challenges

Moderator: Paul Sturges, FAIFE Chair
Format: 10 minute presentations from each panelist, followed by questions from the Chair, then the floor.


  • JONATHAN BAND, the executive director of NetCoalition
  • STUART HAMILTON, IFLA Senior Policy Advisor
  • HARALD MULLER, Max Planck Institute
  • MATT SCHRUERS, Computer & Communications Industry Association
  • The interaction between democracy and Internet through libraries in Italy: is the Italian government going to establish controls on Internet Content?
    FIORELLO CORTIANA (Provincia di Milano), ANTONELLA DE ROBBIO (University of Padua), and PAOLO FERRI (University Milano-Bicocca)

SI Serials and Other Continuing Resources

Serials in the 21st century: new concepts, new challenges

  • Adapting workflows for acquisition of electronic resources
    KARIN GRÖNVALL (Karolinska Institutet, University Library, Stockholm, Sweden)
  • New wine in new bottles: a Hong Kong library's perspective on e-books and 21st century serials management
    BILL TANG, OWEN TAM and ANGUS LAM (Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China)
  • New e-sources, new models: re-inventing library approaches to providing access
    ALINE SOULES (California State University, Hayward, USA)
  • Are library consortia your new serials manager?
    RICK BURKE (Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) Los Angeles, USA)
  • New journal models and publishing perspectives in the evolving digital environment
    LICIA CALVI (Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium) and MARIA CASSELLA (University of Turin, Turin, Italy)

Audiovisual and Multimedia and Bibliographic Control

Herding cats in a dust-storm: bibliographic control of audiovisual and multimedia materials in time of rapid change

  • Do you speak Multimedia Metadata? Multi-format Cataloging at the University of New Mexico
    REBECCA L. LUBAS (University of New Mexico Libraries, Albuquerque, USA)
  • The Development of an Automatic Mapping Engine for Biomedical Image Descriptors
    SUJIN KIM and ASWATHNARAYANAN SADAGOPAN (University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA)
  • Organizational Structure of Handling Selection, Acquisition, Processing and Cataloguing of Physical and Digital Collections
    MUN-KEW LEONG, KEAT-FONG TAN, WEE-SENG TEO (National Library Board, Singapore)
  • Dealing with AV media and digital files in the Swedish Media Database
    OLLE JOHANSSON (National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden)

Industry Symposium: The Future of Management Services on the Web

The provision of management applications online, accessible through a Web browser, with software and data hosted ‘in the cloud’ is a model now in common use in many business environments. OCLC will explore what it means for library to have management services delivered this way. Will a technology shift trigger similar systemic change? And in what ways can we expect library workflows to be enhanced and streamlined by a shift of services to the Web? OCLC’s recent announcement to develop the first cooperative, Web-scale management service will be discussed in this symposium, as well as an update on other OCLC strategic initiatives.

Jay Jordan, President & CEO, OCLC

Matt Goldner, Product & Technology Advocate, OCLC


Women, Information and Libraries Discussion Group

Libraries creating futures for the women of the world

    Chair: Maria Cotera, Convener, Women, Information and Libraries Discussion Group
    Format: Interactive panel discussion with questions from the floor, following an introductory paper


    • Dr. CAMILA ALIRE, President of the American Library Association (EEUU)
    • ELIZABET de CARVALHO, Manager of the IFLA Regional Office of Latin America and the Caribbean (BRAZIL)
    • BARBARA SCHLEIHAGEN, IFLA Governing Board (Germany)
    • ELLEN TISE, IFLA President 2009-2011 (South Africa)
    • The empowerment of women in the library and information services sector and the impact of globalisation
      L.E. NDAKI (Mangosuthu University of Technology, Durban, South Africa)

Management of Library Associations, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning and ALP

Librarians on the catwalk: communicating for advocacy to influence policy and practice

184 Government Information and Official Publications SC II
184a Education and Training SC II
185 SI General Assembly* (formerly known as Council Meeting)

*Please see the Convening Notice

Thursday 27 August 2009

186 Latin America and the Caribbean SC II
187 Social Science Libraries SC II
188 Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities SC II
189 Free Access To Information And Freedom Of Expression (FAIFE) Business Meeting II
08.30 – 10.30

SI National Libraries

National libraries in the digital age: leadership and collaboration

  • National libraries in the digital age: leadership and collaboration
    PENNY CARNABY (National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand)
  • Planning a Digital Library: Reinventing the Tricycle
    MARTIN BOSSENBROEK (National Library of the Netherlands, The Hague, Netherlands
  • National Digital Library – Ensuring of availability of electronic information resources of libraries, archives and museum now and in the future
    MINNA KARVONEN (Ministry of Education, Helsinki, Finland)
  • Strategies for a Digital National Library
    VIGDIS MOE SKARSTEIN (National Library of Norway, Oslo, Norway)

SI Africa

Building on cultural heritage from the African classical world to the 21st century

  • Preserving library collections for the future: initiatives from Makerere University
    MARGARET NAKIGANDA and  MIRIAM KAKAI (Makerere University Library, Kampala, Uganda)
  • Content development in an Indigenous Digital Library: a case study in community participation
    ELIZABETH GREYLING and SIPHO ZULU (eThekwini Municipal Heritage Department, Durban, South Africa)
  • Museum, library and archives: collaborating for preservation of heritage materials in Nigeria
    YETUNDE ZAID and  ABIOLA ABIOYE (University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria)
  • Numérisation des collections de manuscrits anciens au Maroc : Défis et perspectives
    ABDELHAMID BOUJDAD MKADEM (Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, Tanger, Morocco) and PAUL NIEUWENHUYSEN (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium)

Education and Training

The role of library and cultural institutions professionals in cultural heritage: education for the convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums (LAM)

  • Building the body of cultural heritage literacy within LIS curricula: challenges and opportunities in an evolving global knowledge economy
    MARY EDSALL CHOQUETTE (The Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA)
  • Preserving the educational heritage of Hong Kong – the blending of library and museum services
    MICHAEL ROBINSON (The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China)
  • Cultural differences between libraries, archives and museums? Experiences from BAM, the joint portal for libraries, archives and museums in Germany
    AXEL ERMERT ( Institut für Museumsforschung, Berlin, Germany) and WERNER SCHWEIBENZ (Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg, Konstanz, Germany)
  • Cultural tourism and libraries. New learning needs for information professionals
    ELISABETTA BOVERO (Pavullo nel Frignano Council, Modena, Italy)

Information Technology

New repositories: architectures interoperability and data exchange

  • Not (just) a repository, nor (just) a digital library, nor (just) a portal: a portrait of Europeana as an API
    CESARE CONCORDIA (CNR-ISTI, Pisa, Italy), STEFAN GRADMANN (Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany) and  SJOERD SIEBINGA (Europeana Development, The Hague, Netherlands)
  • Video active – European television heritage online
    JOHAN OOMEN (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, The Netherlands),  VASSILIS TZOUVARAS (National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece) and MARCO RENDINA (Instituto Luce, Italy)
  • A trust P2P network for the access to open archive resources
    EMANUELE BELLINI and PAOLO NESI (University of Florence, Florence, Italy)
  • Persistent identifier distributed system for digital libraries

School Libraries and Resource Centers

How heritage is presented and promoted through school libraries – continuing themes of the use of technology and information literacy

  • Using Websites to Promote Literacy about Cultural Heritage
    LESLEY FARMER (California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, USA)
  • School Library – the Territory of Tolerance. Project Other. Others. Otherwise for Children and Multicultural Education
    EKATERINA GENIEVA (All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow, Russia)
  • Cultural knowledge portal for school libraries: a South Asian experience
    AJAY PRATAP SINGH (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi India)

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Advocacy

  • A theoretical framework for development of a customer knowledge management system for academic libraries
    MEHRI PARIROKH (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran), FARHAD DANESHGAR (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) and RAHMATOLLAH FATTAHI (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran)
  • The evolution of library public services from the staff point of view: The Italian case of the Bocconi Library
    MANUELA D'URSO (Biblioteca Università Bocconi – Milan, Italy)
  • Knowledge silos
    LOURDES FERIA (University of Colima, Mexico Knowledge Technologies, Mexico)
196 Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) Business Meeting II

Please note that CLM II will be a closed meeting from 09:50 – 10:35. Attendance during this time is by invitation of the Chair only, in accordance with para 2.6 of IFLA’s Rules of Procedure

197 Health and Bioscience Libraries SC II
198 Women, Information and Libraries Mtg

SI Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities

Using technology to give the past a future: the journey from Braille to XML

  • "Feelix" the start of a journey to literacy: a unique Braille library makes picture books accessible for the first time to infants and young children who are blind or vision impaired
    JULIA RAE and LOUISE CURTIN (Vision Australia, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Braille without borders: how Braille is used in creation of literature in indigenous languages using today's technologies
    DIPENDRA MANOCHA, GEORGE KERSCHER and HIROSHI KAWAMURA (DAISY Consortium, New Delhi – India, Missoula – USA, Tokyo – Japan)
  • Using new technology to improve existing services a the Norwegian National Library: collaboration between the Norwegian Library for Talking Books and Braille (NLB) and the Norwegian National Library (NB)
    ARNE KURKJEBØ (Norwegian Library for Talking Books and Braille, Oslo, Norway)
  • Breaking new ground: a virtual global library service to widen access for people with print disabilities
    JULIE RAE (Vision Australia, Melbourne, Australia)

SI Classification and Indexing

Foundation to build future subject access

  • Introducing FRSAD and Mapping with SKOS and other models
    MARCIA ZENG (Kent State University, Kent, USA) and MAJA ZUMER (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  • Subject indexing in Italy: recent advances and future perspectives
    ANNA LUCARELLI, FEDERICA PARADISI (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Florence, Italy) and ALBERTO CHETI (Research Group on Subject Indexing of the Italian Library (GRIS), Italy)

Art Libraries

Art libraries and cultural heritage: select, collect and connect

  • The virtual reconstruction of lost heritage: the Hamilton Inventories Project
    CELIA CURNOW and BRUCE ROYAN (Virtual Hamilton Palace Inventories Truest, Edinburgh, Scotland)
  • Heritage received and multiplied: Russian art libraries as collectors and translators
    ADA KOLGANOVA (Russian State Art Library, Moscow, Russian Federation) and  ANASTASIA GAI (St. Petersburg Theatre Library, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
  • Weaving a knowledge tapestry of traditional skills for modern fashion designers: an Indian experience
    SANJEEV KUMAR and  NANDINI DUTTA (NRC National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi, India
  • The "Library Café": Distributing and Archiving Local Culture through a Podcasted Library Interview Program  
    THOMAS HILL (Vassar College Library, Poughkeepsie, USA)
  • Rare book project of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
    JAN SIMANE (Kunsthistorisches Institute – Max Planck Institut, Florence, Italy)

Reference and Information Services

The pro-active librarian: the how and why

  • Designing library services based on user needs: new opportunities to re-position the library
    YOO-SEONG SONG (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, USA)
  • The pro-active academic librarian: the how and the why - illustrated by case studies from India and Canada
    GANGA DAKSHINAMURTI (Albert D. Cohen Management Library, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada) and KISHOR CHANDRA SATPATHY (Indian Institute of Management Indore, Indore, India)
  • Librarians and Users Co-operating: user-centred website redesign
    LOTTA GUSTAFSSON and MATTIAS RIELOFF (Växjö University, Växjö, Sweden)
  • Marketing Our Reference and Information Services: why and how
    ÀNGELS MASSÍSIMO I SÁNCHEZ DE BOADO (University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain)

Libraries on the Agenda: IFLA and the economic crisis

Claudia Lux, IFLA President


Genealogy and Local History

Opening up our cultural heritage through digitization and collaboration

  • Using Web 2.0, Open Source Technology and Social Networking Services to Facilitate Collaboration and Access to Genealogy and Local History Information
    MELVIN THATCHER (FamilySearch, Utah, USA)
  • Newcomers to Europe sharing their Untold Stories – Digital storytelling using Web 2.0
    LONE HEDELUND (Aarhus – Gellerup and Hasle Libraries, Aarhus, Denmark) and OLGA MCHENRY (MDR Partners, UK)
  • Developing services for local history research through digitization project: public library case study
    BOGDAN TRIFUNOVIC (Public Library Cacak, Cacak, Serbia)
  • Creating the Blackfoot digital library: the challenge of cultural sensitivity
    MARINUS SWANEPOEL (University of Lethbridge Library, Alberta, Canada)
205 Information Literacy SC II
206 Library Theory and Research SC II
207 Rare Books and Manuscripts SC II
208 Management of Library Associations SC II
12.45-13.45 Lunch
209 Academic and Research Libraries SC II
210 Management and Marketing SC II
211 Library Services to Multicultural Populations SC II

SI Acquisition and Collection Development

An e-book kaleidoscope: multiples perspectives on libraries' experiences with e-books

  • Electronic book collections development in Italy: a case study
    AGNES PERRONE (Parma University and Northumbria University, Italy)
  • When customers select customer-initiated acquisition of e-books in an academic library
    ELLEN SAFLEY (University of Texas at Dallas Libraries, Dallas, USA)
  • It takes more than changing the letter from P to E: a Hong Kong Library's perspective in adopting e-books
    FREDERICK NESTA, OWEN TAM and  BILL TANG (Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China)
  • Net library – the Jamaican experience
    PAULINE NICHOLAS (University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica)
  • E-books in China
    LI ZHENG and SUN TAN (National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
  • It’s been Geometric! Documenting the Growth and Acceptance of eBooks in America’s Urban Public Libraries
    BARBARA A. GENCO (Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, New York)

SI Division VIII

Libraries on the cultural agenda: regional comparisons

  • Keynote address
    H.K. RASEROKA (University of Botswana, Botswana)
  • Engaging with culture: reflections from two developing world academic libraries – the case of Barbados and Botswana
    ELIZABETH F. WATSON (University of the West Indies, Barbados) and STEPHEN M. MUTULA (University of Botswana, Botswana)
  • Notion of cultural heritage among Sri Lankan libraries
    PIYADASA RANASINGHE (University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka)
  • Oceania libraries: from storehouse to lighthouse, reality and hopes
    ELIZABETH CASS (PRIDE Project, University of South Pacific, Fiji)

E-Learning SIG

Lifelong e-learning and libraries

  • Library e-learning spaces
    LESLEY FARMER (California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, USA)
  • Training for Information Professionals in ICT's, e-learning and related issues: what can library schools do to help?
    BOB GLASS (Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK)
  • E-learning for the librarians in Taiwan: the experience at the National Central Library's E-learning campus
    BAU-MEI CHENG (National Central Library, Taipei, China)
  • If we 'e' it, will they come? Lifelong e-learning at a large urban public library?
    IDA A. JOINER (Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pittsburg, USA)

Division IV – Bibliographic Control

New bibliographic control principles and guidelines

  • Mission accomplished – the new IFLA International Cataloguing Principles
    BARBARA B. TILLETT (Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA)
  • National bibliographies in the digital age: guidance and new directions
    MAJA ZUMER (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  • From FRBR to FRAD: Extending the model
  • Guidelines for Multilingual Thesauri: a new contribution to multilingual access and retrieval standards
    PATRICE LANDRY (Swiss National Library, Bern, Switzerland)

Statistics and Evaluation

Statistics on the agenda

Public Libraries

  • An Empirical Study on the Relationship between China Public Library Development and Scientific & Technological Innovation
    WANG SHENGLI (Hebei University of Economics and Business, Shi Jiazhuang, China)
  • The Tibidabo Project - Comparative analysis of the situation and evolution of the services of the public library in cities and regions throughout the world
  • Planning for impact, assessing for sustainability
    SANDRA FRIED (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), MACIEJ KOCHANOWICZ (The Library Program, Poland) and MARCEL CHIRANOV (Global Libraries, Romania)

Academic Libraries

  • Innovative system and generation of management and operation statistics for decision making in academic libraries - the case of the University of Botswana
    REASON BAATHULI NFILA (University of Botswana Library Services, Gaborone, Botswana)
  • The devils in the detail – The use of statistics and data for strategic decision making and advocacy
    DONNA MCROSTIE and MARGARET RUWOLDT (University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Traditional indicators and multivariate statistical analysis to study and evaluate trends in Italian university library systems
    PAOLO BELLINI et al.

Libraries in general

  • The Politics of Methodology: Considering advocacy in the construction of a benchmarking system

Social Science Libraries

The convergence of the social science libraries with libraries, archives and museums in preserving cultural heritage

  • The role of social science knowledge and libraries in preserving cultural heritage
    LYNNE M. RUDASILL and JOANN JACOBY (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA)
  • The World Digital Library and the Social Sciences
    JOHN VAN OUDENAREN (Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA)
  • 50 años en favor de la conservación patrimonial y el desarrollo cultural de América Latina y el Caribe: evidencias de la contribución de una biblioteca de ciencias sociales a este fin
    MARÍA ELENA DORTA-DUQUE (Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales Cuba, La Habana, Cuba) and BLANCA PATALLO EMPERADOR (Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y El Caribe de la UNESCO, La Habana, Cuba)
  • Cultural heritage and the social sciences: the European perspective
    LOUISE EDWARDS (The European Library, The Hague, Netherlands)
217a Information Technology SC II
218 SI Closing Session


Auditorium of the Fiera Milano Convention Conference Centre

Friday 28 August 2009

All day
219 Governing Board Meeting

Copyright © International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

Latest Revision:
     19 July 2014

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     Monday 5 February 2024 (13:07)