Considerations in New RDA toolkit based on LRM
- 2023-10-17
This study is to suggest considerations for RDA 2020 (New RDA) through interviewing librarians and mapping LRM to RDA 20...
Explore IFLA Standards, key publications, and core documents and more! All Resources are drawn from our ever-expanding institutional repository.
This study is to suggest considerations for RDA 2020 (New RDA) through interviewing librarians and mapping LRM to RDA 20...
As part of a thesis on the meaning of decolonization for libraries, I assemble possibilities for action towards decoloni...
The gateways to discovery of the Open Electronic Resources at the Library of Congress are through the Online Public Asse...
From 2014 to 2022, the Warburg began an enhanced programme of digital change called the Warburg Library Online, appointi...
Greetings, IFLA members and long-time supporters and friends! Welcome to the First Issue of the IFLA Division F Newslett...
This report contains information about fulfilment of Section’s activities during the period August 2019 – August 202...
The Section’s activities have been focused on Open Access Publishing to amplify understanding of dynamic Open Access P...
Items discussed at the meeting include setting the stage for the Section’s action plan for the coming two years, defin...
Dāvinājumiem ir būtiska loma bibliotēku krājumu veidošanā. Šīs vadlīnijas attiecas gan uz aktīvi, gan pasīvi...
Gifts represent an important component of the collection-building activities of libraries. These Guidelines focus exclus...
The purpose of this Guide is to help develop an awareness of the key issues that every library will need to consider and...
Bağışlar, kütüphane koleksiyonu oluşturma etkinliklerinin önemli bir bileşenini temsil eder. Bu rehber, ister e...
Traditionally, libraries have served as storage spaces offering access to diverse physical collections. Today, following...