
Stay up to date with our latest developments, initiatives, and new resources!

169 items

Libraries and Women’s Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health: Building Awareness, Providing Access to Information and Knowledge

3 September 2020

    IFLA has submitted a response to the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights call for inputs on women and girls’ sexual and reproductive rights. Libraries around the world are working to raise awareness and knowledge about women’s SRHR, helping deliver on their fundamental rights to health and access to information.

    A New Model for Digital Inclusion: An Interview with Helsingborg City Libraries

    7 May 2020

      The long-standing mission of libraries to promote equitable access to information often leads them to get involved in digital inclusion efforts. We talked to Catharina Isberg, IFLA Governing Board Member and Library Director, Helsingborg City Libraries and Eva Hveem, Librarian, to find out about their experience of working with a European Union programme on the subject.

      Now available: Community Networks – A Briefing for Libraries

      2 April 2020

        Ensuring equitable access to information and knowledge lies at the heart of the library mission. As part of this goal, many libraries offer public internet access and workstations. And yet, there are still areas where many people do not have an opportunity to get online. Community networks - local community-led initiatives to build and maintain a telecommunications infrastructure – are emerging as an alternative model to help connect the unconnected. How do such Community Network projects relate to libraries’ mission, what can libraries do to support these initiatives?

        Libraries Help Deliver on Human Rights in Australia, Georgia and Myanmar

        18 March 2020

          In cooperation with our partners in Australia, Georgia and Myanmar, IFLA prepared stakeholder inputs for the Universal Periodic Review in these countries. The three submissions explore libraries’ contribution to promoting and protecting human rights – from the rights to information, education and culture, to the rights and empowerment of vulnerable populations, and beyond.

          International Women’s Day 2020: How Libraries Help Deliver on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women

          9 March 2020

            2020 marks 25 years since UN Member States and international society committed to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action - an ambitious roadmap towards gender equality. A new IFLA study looks at how far governments have, in their implementation efforts, sought to draw on libraries and address questions where information plays a role.

            Getting ready for the 2020 International Women’s Day: an Advocacy Kit for Libraries

            12 February 2020

              International Women’s Day - 8 March - is drawing near, and this year’s celebrations will hold special significance in light of the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. For libraries, this is an opportunity to join in the global discussion, celebrate the achievements, reflect on lessons learned and chart future action towards gender equality.

              Libraries for a Better Internet: Safer Internet Day 2020

              10 February 2020

                Libraries work to protect the online safety and wellbeing of their patrons and communities by promoting digital literacy and offering inclusive ICT skills training and assistance. On Safer Internet Day 2020, libraries in many countries are joining the campaign to raise awareness and help children and young people develop the skills for safe and responsible Internet use.

                Now available: Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action - Briefing for Libraries

                21 January 2020

                  The 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action set out an ambitious UN agenda to advance women’s empowerment and gender equality. 2020 marks their 25th anniversary, and a large-scale review has been launched to assess the progress made towards implementing the Declaration and the Platform. This review process offers libraries an opportunity to reflect on how their work can help advance gender equality and take further action. This briefing examines the role that access to information, knowledge and lifelong learning play in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action; as well as library activities and initiatives noted in national reports prepared as part of the Beijing+25 review.

                  A Look Ahead to the 2019 Annual Internet Governance Forum Meeting

                  21 November 2019

                    Between 25 and 29 November, 2019, IFLA will be taking part in the 14th annual Internet Governance Forum meeting in Berlin. IFLA has participated in IGF events since 2008; and we continue our involvement in policy discussions relevant for the library field: public internet access facilities, digital and information literacy, intellectual freedom in the digital sphere, and many others.

                    IFLA Input to 2019 WSIS Review

                    1 November 2019

                      The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process is a UN-based initiative to bridge the digital divide, foster an inclusive information society and promote the use of ICT for development. Libraries have an important role to play in achieving these goals, and IFLA has been actively involved with the WSIS process since its first phase in Geneva in 2003. This includes contributing to annual reports to take stock of the progress made towards the WSIS Action Lines and Targets – and the 2019 IFLA submission is now available!

                      The Human and the Algorithm: Response to Council of Europe’s Draft Recommendation on Human Right Impacts of Algorithmic Systems

                      17 September 2019

                        In July 2019, the Council of Europe invited public feedback on its draft recommendation on the human rights impacts of algorithmic systems. IFLA, through its Committee on Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Information, has responded, highlighting the issues and priorities of libraries.

                        Now available: Educational Technologies and Student Data - Briefing for Libraries

                        30 July 2019

                          The use of technology in education is growing, and a new class of technologies has emerged that relies on tracking and analysing vast amounts of student behavioural data. The position of libraries in educational ecosystems means that they may well, both directly and indirectly, come across this trend. This briefing outlines the key ethical and security concerns for libraries to consider, and suggests some ways for libraries to promote responsible and ethical use of Edtech.