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169 items

Libraries, Minority Rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: IFLA contributes to an OHCHR call for inputs

10 June 2021

    The key theme of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda is “Leaving No-one Behind”; the pandemic has highlighted the urgency of addressing disproportionate barriers and disparities that various minority groups are experiencing. An IFLA input to a UN Human Rights Council consultation examines the role of access to information in facilitating minority rights within the context of sustainable development, and ways that libraries support it.

    Libraries, Minority Rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: IFLA contributes to an OHCHR call for inputs

    9 June 2021

      The key theme of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda is “Leaving No-one Behind”; the pandemic has highlighted the urgency of addressing disproportionate barriers and disparities that various minority groups are experiencing. An IFLA input to a UN Human Rights Council consultation examines the role of access to information in facilitating minority rights within the context of sustainable development, and ways that libraries support it.

      Access to Information as a Dimension of Development: Supporting and Enabling Fundamental Human Rights

      16 March 2021

        Meaningful access to information – including access infrastructure, user skills, relevant content, supportive policy frameworks – helps deliver on people’s civil, economic, social and cultural rights. IFLA’s response to a recent OHCHR questionnaire highlights good practices and insights from the library field on how to maximise and deliver on this potential.

        A Look Ahead to the 2020 Internet Governance Forum

        2 November 2020

          Between 2 and 17 November, the first fully-virtual Internet Governance Forum will bring together stakeholders from around the globe. IFLA continues to engage – and encourages libraries to take part in – discussions on how the internet works and should be governed in many areas that impact the library field. From digital inclusion to privacy, access to content, accessibility, digital skills and beyond – there are many relevant discussions worth engaging in.

          Libraries in Belgium Promoting and Protecting Human Rights

          23 October 2020

            Over the past months, IFLA, FAIFE and our partners in different countries around the world have prepared a series of submissions to the Universal Periodic Review processes organised by the Human Rights Council. This month, we had an opportunity to take an in-depth look at how libraries in Belgium help deliver on the human rights of the communities they serve.

            Every Community Connected: A Call to Action, a Pledge to Engage

            16 October 2020

              IFLA is proud to sign up to two documents addressing a key issue of our time – the digital divide. The first calls on governments to act to support investment in wider connectivity and the libraries that help users make the most of it. The second represents a pledge to do all in our power to promote digital inclusion, and is open to wider signatures.

              Libraries and Children’s Right to Privacy: IFLA Submits Comments to OHCHR Call for Inputs

              1 October 2020

                Libraries have a traditional and longstanding commitment to defending the privacy of their users. As institutions that come into contact with children and teens’ data in the course of their everyday work, libraries have developed good practices on how to keep this data private and confidential – and to help their young audiences develop the skills to stay safe and maintain their privacy online.