GIOPS Program at WLIC 2023
12 July 2023If you are attending this year's WLIC, please come to the Government Information and Official Publications Section (GIOPS) Business meeting and Open Session!
Stay up to date with our latest developments, initiatives, and new resources!
If you are attending this year's WLIC, please come to the Government Information and Official Publications Section (GIOPS) Business meeting and Open Session!
Keep up with the work of IFLA's Government Information and Official Publications Section (GIOPS) and government information librarians across the globe. The Summer 2023 Edition features an interview with GIOPS member Eunsol Shim and her work at the Korean National Assembly Library and an article about University of Michigan Library’s International Data Workshop (IDW) Series, focusing on African Data.
Congratulations to the editors and authors of the IFLA Professional Report No. 137, titled "The Government Information Landscape and Libraries" on receiving the 2023 Margaret T. Lane/Virginia F. Saunders Memorial Research Award from the American Library Association, Government Documents Roundtable (ALA GODORT).
Drawing on the insights provided in the publication "The Government Information Landscape in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement", IFLA presented on the role of libraries at the African Peer Review Mechanism's African Governance Seminar, highlighting our contribution to open governance goals. We are grateful to Nerisa Kumar, Information Africa Organization, for attending and providing this report.
Thank you for participating in the GIOPS 2020 Member Survey!
Please join us for the GIOPS Annual Business Meeting September 22, 2020 11am PST, 1pm EST, 5pm GMT Connect via WebEx: Meeting number: 145 978 3467
Please take 15 minutes to answer our Survey Questions.
Government Information is more important than ever. Together with you GIOPS wants to improve Government Librarianship!
The IFLA Governing Board and Irish National Committee have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 World Library and Information Congress (WLIC).
GIOPS Paper Proposal Theme: "Navigating the Government Information and Official Publications Landscape: Authority, Reproducibility and Accessibility"
GIOPS featured in ALA's American Libraries
All are welcome!
GIOPS Events in Kuala Lumpur - IFLA WLIC 2018