An Easy Way to Make Your Green Library Poster!
18 March 2023
ENSULIB has created a template [in ppt] for a “What is a Green Library?” poster. This is intended for use by all kinds of libraries, and can be translated into your own language.
How to use: Include a QR code to link to a sustainability web page if your library has one, or to a strategy, or explicit “mission” to implement climate and environmental protection in the community or municipality. Use the photo frames to show your green library examples. Consider forming a team to take care of implementing green initiatives.
Display the poster in a highly visible location! Promote it by making posts on your library’s social media pages.
The first example from Germany (in German and English languages) has been created by Janet Wagner ( email: ) and her team for your reference.
You are welcome to submit your poster by using this template to us via email at . Your examples will be uploaded to the ENSULIB website to showcase your green libraries and practices.