
The volume will be published on behalf of IFLA’s Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB) by de Gruyter/Saur Publisher, Berlin/Boston, in print and digital online format with open access, provided to be published in the IFLA Publications Series.


The book project refers to the UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Programme. Libraries are often overlooked in efforts to turn around education and early learning. Even libraries and librarians often do not identify their work as an important contributor to achieving the SDGs, although many examples can be found on IFLA’s Library Map of the World. It is crucial to prominently recognize that libraries as learning institutions, especially green and sustainable libraries, are active partners in driving Education for Sustainable Development, and that they support their governments’ sustainability efforts as “silent” collaborators.In line with the Berlin Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development and the UNESCO ESD Programme, the book will focus on innovative approaches and informal education programmes, created and provided by green and sustainable libraries. Original contributions from authors worldwide – librarians, educators, researchers – are welcome. Articles should focus on librarians’ priorities on one hand and on educators’ concepts on the other hand. Co-authored submissions may be appropriate. All articles must be written in English.

Because any contribution for IFLA, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, is voluntary work no royalty will be paid nor for written texts or photographs.


  • Petra Hauke, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, Berlin, Germany
  • Antonia Mocatta, The University of Sydney, Fisher Library, Sydney, Australia
  • Priscilla Nga Ian Pun, University of Macau, Wu Yee Sun Library (E2), Macao SAR

Advisory Board

  • Vivienne Byrd, Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Kristine Deksne, National Library of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
  • Rosario Toril Moreno, Documentalist, National Center of Environmental Education, Spain
  • Rossana Morriello, University of Florence, Italy
  • Arnold Mwanzu, East Africa Aga Khan University, Kenya
  • Harri Sahavirta, Helsinki City Library, Helsinki, Finland
  • Ana Zdravje, Ljubljana City Library, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Target Audience

The intended audience includes librarians, all community stakeholders and local government agencies, policy-makers at national and regional level, and both formal and informal educational institutions. The content will acknowledge and demonstrate libraries as driving partners for Education for Sustainable Development, and the relevance of this work to libraries’ professional practices, teaching, and LIS research.

Potential Topics

1. Library roles in transforming the learning environment for sustainable development
  •  Creating or integrating resources for sustainable development education
  • Citizen science in general, or library citizen science projects
  • Events or projects creating or promoting open access resources
  • Libraries promotion of media literacy and ensuring access to reliable, quality information
  • Libraries providing learning resources, spaces, equipment, and facilities in a sustainable safe, just and carbon-neutral way
  • Digital transformation in libraries to support and enhance emerging information services, especially in the post-pandemic era
  • Libraries driving ESD programmes through media, networking and partnerships
2. Climate change projects in libraries
  • Events or projects to educate and increase the awareness of climate change, global warming, green literacy, etc.
  • Libraries providing sustainable services or systems that refuses, reduces, reuses or recycles waste
  • Libraries advocating the shared economy and energy saving to provide services that support and promote the sharing and circulation of materials
  • Libraries providing and supporting research and data needed to inform climate change policy
  • Libraries broadening access to information needed to guide and accelerate decision-making by local and national governments on climate change and natural environment protection.
3. ESD projects or services in libraries of various kinds, such as public, school, academic and other libraries
  • Libraries educating citizens and providing health and wellness information (especially in public libraries) and bibliotherapy to help individuals and families stay healthy
  • Libraries promoting reading literacy and providing access to information and (new) skills trainings for citizens to apply for better jobs and succeed in personal development.
  • Events or projects on building specific capabilities and skills of educators for sustainable development
  • Libraries educating and promoting cultural inclusion, resilient societies, documentation and preservation of cultural heritage
  • Events or projects to support and promote research on SDGs locally and beyond
  • Events or projects to evaluate and measure the impact of specific educational activities focused on sustainability
4. Teaching and promoting sustainable skills to enable women and girls, youth and children, minorities, etc. to leave poverty and inequality behind
  • Libraries providing neutral and welcoming spaces, to educate people to improve their lives where possible through equitable access to information that supports social, political, and economic inclusion
  • Events, projects or services designed to educate women and girls, such as health, business and digital skills
  • Events, projects or services designed to educate youth and children, support early literacy and new skills needed for learning, education and employment
  • Events or projects to empower and mobilize youth for creation and innovation
  • Libraries to widely disseminate and promote information to guide and accelerate decision-making by local and national governments to combat poverty
We are also open to suggestions on topics about practices and research not listed here. Proposals should include references to academic sources.

Important Dates

Call for book chapters proposals September 1, 2023
Proposals due:  October 1, 2023
Review period: October 2023
Notifications of Acceptance: November 1, 2023
The first draft of the chapters is due: February 1, 2024 (Note: The word count on the final manuscript will range from 5,000-8,000 words)
Review period/feedback: April 1, 2024
The second draft of the chapters is due: May 1, 2024
Review period/minor revisions: June 1, 2024
Final Manuscript submission to series editor: June 19, 2024
Target publication date: six months after submission (by series editor) of the final manuscript
Please send the following to Petra Hauke ( by October 1, 2023:
  • Name(s)
  • Job Title(s)
  • Institution(s)
  • Section of interest and a 300-500-word description of the proposed book chapter
    • Please indicate the topic, method, and main point(s) clearly
  • References list (Chicago Manual of Style)
  • A 250-word bio of the author or authors
Thank you.
Kind regards, on behalf of the editorial team
Petra Hauke