All videos and presentation slides from the IFLA Academic & Research Libraries Section (ARL) Satellite conference during IFLA WLIC 2023 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands are now available.

DAY 1: Friday, 18 August 2023

IFLA and Open Access
Fiona Bradley and Patrick Danowski, co-chairs, IFLA Open Access Working Group (NL):
“Realising equity, inclusion and diversity in the open access movement: progress on implementing IFLA’s call to action”
Presentation  | Video

Regional Impact Studies  – Chair: Elizabeth Ketterman, East Carolina University Library

Reysa Alenzuela (CZ), Czech Academy of Sciences:
“Mapping Openness Across Asian Libraries: Current Practices and Implementation Pathways”
Presentation  | Video

Emmy Tsang (NL), Invest in Open Infrastructure:
“Exploring open infrastructure needs in Latin America, Africa, and Asia”
Presentation  | Video

Regional Impact Studies – Chair: Theodore Westervelt, Library of Congress

Jayshree Mamtora (AU), James Cook University:
“Open access in Oceania – perspectives from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands”
Presentation  | Video

Juan Miguel Palma Peña (MX), National Autonomous University of Mexico:
“Role of Academic and Research Libraries from Latin America to Implementation of Open Science and Research Data Management: Analysis and Model Proposal”
Presentation  | Video

Siphamandla Mncube (SA), University of South Africa:
“Shadow Information Technology in the advent of Open Educational Resources”
Presentation  | Video

Tatiana Bryant (US), Barnard College and Camille Thomas (US), Florida State University:
“Identifying Opportunities to Support Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Faculty in Open Access”

Institutions and Infrastructure  – Chair: Evviva LaJoie, University of Buffalo

Niels Stern (NL), OAPEN Foundation/DOAB Foundation:
“From Harare to Harvard. Challenges of equity in open scholarly book publishing”
Presentation  | Video

Joanna Ball (UK), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals):
Moving the needle: addressing inequity in global open access journal publishing”
Presentation  | Video

DAY 2: Saturday, 19 August 2023

Issues of accessibility – Chair: Ilkay Holt, British Library

Yetunde Zaid, Olubukola Olatise, Adefunke Alabi. (NG), University of Lagos:
“Bridging the Gap in Open Knowledge Movement: Plight of the Excluded in Higher Education in Nigeria”


Carli Spina (US), Fashion Institute of Technology:
“Open to Whom? The Importance of Accessibility for Open Data and Publications”
Presentation  | Video

Issues of assessment – Chair: Gulcin Cribb, IFLA ARL

Jasmin Schmitz (DE), ZB Med – Information Centre for Life Science:
“From Impact Factors to Responsible Research Assessment and Open Metrics:  which suggestions are currently on the table?
Presentation  | Video