News – IFLA Mon, 05 Feb 2024 08:12:46 +0000 es hourly 1 IFLA MENA RDC 2023-2025 Strategic Draft Plan, Nov. 6, 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 07:21:26 +0000 Attached kindly the IFLA MENA RDC Action Plan Draft. November 6, 2023

Draft attached here (Final) IFLA MENA RDC 2023-2025 Strategy – Action Plan (2)

Find a summary of the three goals in the draft plan, updates on the deliverables will follow.


Projects in this section focus on the role of the Committee in supporting regional and global advocacy agendas. Projects can derive either from the global advocacy priority as defined by the Regional Council 2023-2025 or from regional advocacy priorities, as defined by the Committee or both.


Projects in this section focus on outreach activities, through which the Committee aims to reach out to members and non-members and ensure a stronger presence for the region on the IFLA Library Map of the World. Activities also will cover capacity building, collaboration and networking among libraries and library associations in the regions. All activities need to be coordinated with IFLA HQ.


Conduct a survey to assess library sector needs for training and collaboration initiative. Organize webinars and events accordingly. This shall include:

  • Identify current skill gaps and training requirements in the library sector.
  • Assess interest and preferences for collaboration initiatives.
  • Gather input on specific topics and areas of focus for webinars and events.
“Building a National Bibliography: Foundations and Cases” – Call for Presentations Proposals Fri, 02 Feb 2024 17:41:27 +0000 Submission deadline: 22 February 2024

The IFLA Bibliography Section is seeking submissions for its newly launched virtual event series “Topics in National Bibliographies” Track 1: Inside National Bibliographic Agencies”.

We invite you to submit proposals for presentations for a webinar in 2 parts on “Building a National Bibliography: Foundations and Cases”. The webinar will explore the practicalities of establishing and operating a national bibliography, drawing inspiration from successful models around the world.

By delving deeper into models and exploring the nuances of national bibliographies setup, our webinar strives to inspire and guide the development of national bibliographies in various settings and landscapes.

We welcome proposals for presentations in one of two panels: Frameworks and Foundations, or Cases Studies.

Frameworks and Foundations of National Bibliographies:

In this panel we seek proposals about National Bibliographies set up models covering all or few of the following subtopics:

  • Legal and policy frameworks for establishing national bibliographies (e.g., national library acts, deposit laws)
  • Building institutional capacity and staffing within the national bibliographic agency
  • Coverage policies of the national output (e.g. exhaustive or selective coverage, formats, subjects, …)
  • Developing and implementing data collection and acquisition strategies (e.g., legal deposit, publisher outreach, …)
  • Sustainability and funding models for national bibliographic services
  • Setting national bibliographic standards and metadata formats for producing and sharing the National bibliography

Comprehensiveness of coverage of as many as possible of the points above is a key factor for covering the foundations and framework aimed for this panel.

Case Studies:

In this panel we seek proposals showcasing examples from diverse countries with different development stages and contexts. Specifically:

  • Case studies featuring specific implementation challenges each country or institution encountered and solutions they developed
  • Case studies highlighting unique approaches and innovative practices, practical implementation strategies for national bibliographies
  • Case studies about facing challenges of budget cutdown, restructuring of services, change of laws or affiliations, …

In this panel, the case study proposal can cover only one of the above cases.

Submission guidelines:

Submit your proposal in a Word file enclosing the following information in the same order:

  • Proposed title of your presentation
  • Your selected panel (Frameworks and Foundations OR Case Study)
  • Names, affiliations, emails addresses of presenter(s)
  • An abstract of your proposed presentation (250-300 words) clearly outlining your topic, key points, and intended audience.
  • A brief bios of presenters (max. 100 words each), in a new page

Proposals should be submitted no later than 22 February 2024 to:
Isabel Ayres Maringelli
, Bibliography Section Information Coordinator
Maud Henry, Bibliography Section Secretary

Selection criteria:
  • Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of experts based on their relevance to the webinar theme, originality, clarity, and potential impact.
  • We aim to provide a diverse and international program that reflects the various perspectives and experiences in national bibliography development.

About Topics in National Bibliographies series

To stay updated about the Bibliography Section work and activities, subscribe to our mailing list:

18th IFLA ILDS Conference Website Revealed! 🌐 Join Us! Wed, 31 Jan 2024 06:43:46 +0000 #en Dear friends, librarians, publishers and information specialists!

Dive into a World of Collaboration and Resource Sharing! 📚 We are pleased to unveil the brand-new 18th IFLA Interlending and Document Supply Conference “Global to Local: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Resource Sharing” website 🌐 []. Join us in shaping the future of resource sharing! #InterlendingConference #ResourceSharing #DocumentSupply #KnowledgeExchange 🚀

📅 Stay Updated: Keep abreast of the latest updates, session details, and key announcements through our regularly updated website. From the conference agenda to speaker profiles and interactive sessions, you’ll find everything you need to plan your personalized experience.

#ru Уважаемые друзья, библиотекари, издатели и специалисты в области информации!

Oкунитесь в мир сотрудничества и обмена ресурсами! 📚 Мы рады представить вам новый веб-сайт 18-й Конференции ИФЛА по Межбиблиотечному обмену и Предоставлению документов “Глобальное к Локальному: Разнообразие и Включенность в Обмене Ресурсами” 🌐 []. Присоединяйтесь к нам в формировании будущего обмена ресурсами! #КонференцияПоМежбиблиотечномуОбмену #ОбменРесурсами #ПредоставлениеДокументов #ОбменЗнаний 🚀

📅 Оставайтесь в курсе: Следите за последними обновлениями, деталями сессий и ключевыми объявлениями на нашем регулярно обновляемом веб-сайте. От повестки дня конференции до профилей докладчиков и интерактивных сессий – здесь вы найдете все необходимое для планирования вашего персонализированного опыта.


IFLA Newsletter, January 2024: the 2024 milestones ahead issue Tue, 30 Jan 2024 12:31:48 +0000 IFLA Newsletter, January 2024: the 2024 milestones ahead issue

The message below accompanies the January 2024 edition of the IFLA Newsletter.

IFLA Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 1

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2024!

Usually in our newsletters, we look back at just a selection of the things our Federation has achieved over the previous month.

But this time, to mark the start of the year, we’re looking forward! There is the New Year’s message from our President, Vicki McDonald, setting out the key themes that will mark 2024 for IFLA, as well as exciting announcements about our Information Futures Summit in September and October and next steps in preparing our new strategy.

Then, you can read on for a selection of articles sharing ideas about upcoming events and topics in different areas of our work, as well as just some of the opportunities for you to get involved.

Happy reading and thank you for joining us in 2024.

IFLA Standards Newsletter, volume 1, issue 2 (December 2023) is published Mon, 29 Jan 2024 15:26:06 +0000 Read the latest issue of the IFLA Standards Newsletter (volume 1, issue 2, December 2023) for all the latest on standards developments within IFLA.

You will find:

  • a feature interview with Athena Salaba, professor, School of Information, Kent State University, and chair of Division H
  • a report on the new Accessibility Metadata Network Initiative by Chris Oliver
  • the process for the review of ISBDM, the ISBD aligned with the Manifestation entity, by Renate Behrens
  • and an article on the development of ISBDM, by Rehab Ouf
  • summaries from the Committee on Standards open session at WLIC 2023 in Rotterdam, including
    • Revisions to the IFLA Standards Procedures Manual, Vincent Boulet
    • Expectations of Committee on Standards Members when conducting reviews, Chris Oliver
    • IFLA Namespaces, Joseph Hafner
    • LRMoo, navigating standards development processes in two communities, Pat Riva, Maja Žumer, and Trond Aalberg
  • a spotlight on the recently approved IFLA Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners
  • as well as a letter from Victoria Owen, the chair of the Advisory Committee on Standards

Subscribe today to receive the next issue straight to your mailbox.

New IFLA ARL Blog post: “Open Science Beyond Open Access” symposium, São Paulo, Brazil Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:28:33 +0000 Dear all,

Here is a new IFLA Academic & Research Libraries (ARL) Section blog post, kindly contributed by our Committee member, Adriana Cybele Ferrari, from the Brazilian Federation of Library Association and Institution – FEBAB.

You may access this post here

Please have a good read.

Stay tuned for further news from IFLA ARL!


Jérôme FRONTY, IFLA ARL Information coordinator

IFLA Information Futures Summit: Save the Date! Mon, 29 Jan 2024 12:00:39 +0000 IFLA Information Futures Summit

IFLA is proud to announce the Information Futures Summit, hosted by IFLA President Vicki McDonald, and under the theme Stronger Together. Join us from 30 September to 2 October 2024 in Brisbane, Australia.

The Information Futures Summit is a new kind of event for IFLA, focused on bringing the energy, expertise and rich diversity of our field together to find solutions to the information challenges facing us today.

Building on the results of our Trend Report 2024, to be officially launched at the Summit, we’ll be thinking together over three days about the future that we want, the role of information in it, and what we, as a field, can do to shape it. Crucially, and in line with our President Vicki McDonald’s theme for her mandate, we are looking at how we can work more strongly together, both amongst ourselves and with new and existing stakeholders, to do this.

A dynamic programme will mix inspiring keynote speakers from inside and outside our field with open discussions, unconference sessions and ideas exchanges in order to allow participants maximum opportunity to share their own experiences and insights.

The Summit will also be a key chance to engage in discussion about how IFLA itself can support reflection, collaboration and action, with the formal presentation of our new Strategy and more.

With a strong focus on outputs, this will be an event designed to give everyone taking part something that they can use in their own work, as well as to shape our Federation as a whole as we head towards our centenary in 2027.

Bookmark the Summit website for more information – this will be updated as new details are confirmed, and we will communicate regularly with our members, volunteers and the wider field as speakers are announced.

So mark 30 September – 2 October 2024 in your calendars for a unique opportunity to connect with colleagues and friends from across the library field and beyond, gain knowledge and ideas you can use in your own work, and contribute to a more collaborative, more effective library approach to shaping the future.

Marrakesh Monitoring Report 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 08:03:45 +0000 Which countries have signed up to the Marrakesh Treaty, which removes the copyright barriers preventing making and sharing accessible copies of works for people with print disabilities, and how far have they gone in bringing their national legislation into line with its provisions? Our latest Marrakesh Monitoring Report provides an update!

The Marrakesh Treaty is now officially in force in 119 countries around the world, including all 27 in the European Union.

Yet as was highlighted at the 10th anniversary celebrations of the signing of the text last year, while ratifying or acceding to the text is important, for beneficiaries – people who are blind, partially sighted, or who otherwise are unable to read and enjoy works – and the institutions that serve them, updating national laws also matter.

This is because it is unfair to expect librarians and others to make judgements between national and international law. Beneficiaries of the Treaty, and the people and institutions that support them deserve clarity.

A further crucial point is that the Treaty leaves some flexibility to countries implementing it. Due to rearguard actions by those who resisted the Treaty, including rightholder organisations and some countries, there are possibilities to apply it in a more restrictive fashion, for example by imposing payments or burdensome checks for commercial availability.

The Marrakesh Monitoring Report provides an overview, therefore, both of which countries have ratified or acceded to the Treaty, and of how far they have stayed true to its overall goal of maximising possibilities to provide access.

It looks in particular at whether it’s possible to make and share copies of both physical and audiobooks, whether Treaty provisions can be used without checking on commercial availability (a potentially long if not impossible task, given the state of accessibility metadata and market data in general in many countries), whether libraries can use the Treaty without registering or providing additional reporting, and whether people with dyslexia and other disabilities can benefit.

View the Monitoring Report on the IFLA Repository.

The Treaty is having effects. As reported by the US National Library Service, a part of the Library of Congress serving persons with disabilities, nearly 6000 books have been added since 2020, and have been accessed over 45 000 times. Just in 2023, these covered 16 languages. Meanwhile, the Service has uploaded almost 200 000 books to the Accessible Books Service, benefitting users in 40 countries globally.



Call for papers : MLAS conference : Connect, Collaborate, Create: Advancing Library Associations and Partnerships to Future-proof our Profession Sat, 27 Jan 2024 00:19:07 +0000 IFLA MLAS invites library associations leaders, representatives and members at large to share their experiences, case studies, best practices, models and recommendations related to the following areas:

  • Information Integrity; 
  • library advocacy;
  • library association’s financial sustainability; 
  • library associations’ strategic forecasting; 
  • library association membership management. 

We welcome submissions in the 7 IFLA languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish. Speakers will present in person and cover their own expenses. The languages of the conference are the languages of Kazakhstan: English, Kazakh, and Russian.

Call for Papers

The program committee seeks submissions in line with the main theme Connect, Collaborate, Create: Advancing Library Associations and Partnerships to Future-proof our Profession and based on the following topics:

Success stories and best practices in academic libraries

  • Innovative strategies for engaging students in academic libraries.
  • Outreach and activities for library users
  • Innovative approaches in teaching and learning, engagement, marketing, etc.
  • Instructional design for information literacy, including teaching practice, session design, lesson plans, and self-paced modules to enhance performance.
  • Information Literacy and Virtual Learning Environments /online learning
  • AI in libraries and opportunities and obstacles in teaching information skills
  • Implementing the theory of information literacy into practice
  • Teaching information discovery and searching strategies
  • Library Systems and technology
  • Library projects and collaboration
  • Application of relevant SDG in academic libraries

Information skills for life, information organisation and management

  • Information skills and lifelong learning in a changing educational landscape,
  • Information skills and technological developments (AI and other emerging technologies and innovation)
  • Developing information skills for the next generation
  • Ethical challenges of AI in libraries and teaching information skills
  • Information Skills and the Knowledge Economy
  • Information skills education and training
  • Information skills and academic libraries
  • Information skills and blended and distance learning
  • The future of information literacy
  • Plagiarism: teaching, tools, policies, challenges

Strategic planning and management in academic libraries

  • The role of libraries in supporting the delivery of institutional goals and strategy
  • Local and global collaborations and partnerships as a strategy for change
  • Restructuring of libraries
  • Professional communication
  • Management and leadership for the future
  • Managing change in libraries
  • Planning staff development
  • Strategic planning for student and academic engagement
  • Library policies and strategic development
  • Branding, promotion and marketing of libraries

Research practice in libraries

  • Supporting research and Open Access
  • Digital Repositories
  • Supporting Research Data lifecycle in libraries
  • Open Access Publishing
  • The Read and Publish Agreements
  • Open Educational Resources
  • Libraries’ role and contribution to the Open Science movement
  • Research Data management
  • Open Access Management
  • Role of Academic Libraries in Open Research
  • Modernising repositories for the era of Open Science

Management of Library Associations of IFLA

The Management of Library Associations of IFLA is delighted to collaborate with the Nazarbayev University Library and the Association of University Libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan to present a joint conference. The goal is to bring information, experiences and recommendations to contribute to strengthen library associations worldwide.

Here are MLAS themes to inspire you:

  • Information Integrity,
  • library advocacy,
  • library association’s financial sustainability,
  • strategic forecasting,
  • and membership management.

These themes identified by MLAS for the conference are based on MLAS analysis of data from IFLA and MLAS. Additionally, we considered priority themes of bodies such as the United Nations where IFLA has maintained a constant presence for the last ten years.

Important dates for Call for Papers:

  • Call for Papers – 20 January 2024
  • Abstracts submissions deadline – 20 February 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance – 5 March 2024
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline – 1 May 2024
  • Submission of PowerPoint Presentations – 5 May 2024
  • Start of Registration – 31 January 2024
  • Conference – 29-31 May 2024

Conference Registration: 

For further inquiries, please contact

Templates to populate IFLA Library Map of the World Fri, 26 Jan 2024 14:57:36 +0000 نموذج ملف الدولـة

نموذج جمع البيانات
