Want to experience some of the IFLA WLIC 2022 again?
05 février 2024
Watch online the digital versions of WLIC 2022 Open Sessions from IFLA’s Asia-Oceania (AO) and Middle East & North Africa (MENA) Regional Division Committees
If you missed IFLA’s Asia and Oceania & Middle East and North Africa webinars in September, you can now watch them again, and learn all about their open sessions at IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Dublin.
Watch here the digital version of IFLA’s Asia and Oceania Regional Division Committee Open Session at the World Library and Information Congress in Dublin, Ireland.
The session starts from the premise that library sector support for the UN SDGs will be more successful if the sector itself is strong and cooperates effectively within countries and within the region. The session aims to develop a narrative picture of the current state of library cooperation in various parts of Asia-Oceania, by offering sub-regional presentations from Regional Division Committee members. More info about the webinar can be found here.
Watch here the digital version of IFLA’s Middle East and North Africa Regional Division Committee Open Session at the World Library and Information Congress in Dublin, Ireland.
The session presents cases of libraries in the MENA region. These cases cover stories of public, national and university libraries in practicing inclusivity and engagement through the dealing with war refugees and local farmers in Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. In addition to that, the session reveals how libraries used social media to connect with patrons in Qatar and how Iraqis in Mosul rebuild their university library which put on fire and destroyed by ISIS. More info about the webinar can be found here.