Libraries serving persons with print disabilities section (LPD) name change
05 Februar 2024
The name Libraries for the Blind Section may convey the message that the section is meant only for libraries for the blind that specialize in rendering services to blind persons exclusively.
There are however various types of libraries, e.g. public libraries and tertiary libraries that are rendering services to print disabled persons as part of the total inclusive service mix.
When considering a new name we decided to clarify that any library or entity rendering a service to blind or print disabled persons is welcome the join the section, whether the kind of service delivery is highly exclusive and specialized or serving a range of market segments including blind, partially sighted and print-disabled persons.
Using the word "serving" is broadening the scope of the section since many types of libraries are serving blind and print-disabled persons. And when using the term “print disabilities” we include all persons having difficulty with the printed word in its various formats, e.g. persons with dyslexia or persons who can’t handle a book because of old age or illness.
On behalf of
LPD / IFLA Chair
Bente Dahl Rathje: