Welcome to the New IFLA website!
24 April 2009
On Wednesday 22 April Claudia Lux, IFLA President, officially launched the new IFLA website. This happening took place in the presence of all IFLA Governing Board members that were gathered in The Hague at IFLA HQ for the April Governing Board Meeting.
The Web Manager / IT Coordinator makes the final preparations for the launch with IFLA President, Claudia Lux
Claudia takes a last look at the old site… Claudia launches the new site!
“I congratulate the IFLA staff with this achievement and after just a glance and bit of surfing, it is quite clear that the new website is realizing the potential of the Web 2.0 world. It will become a powerful and dynamic communication platform for the whole IFLA community.” Claudia Lux, IFLA President