11th International Summit of the Book
The 11th International Summit of the Book is taking place simultaneously online and in Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It brings together thinkers and actors engaged in questions around the development of books into electronic formats and its impact on reading; the challenges facing books and the publishing industry and the role of books and reading in societies.
It stems from an original initiative of the US Library of Congress. In previous years, the Summit has been held across a number of continents in cities that have a global cultural impact in countries such as the United States, Singapore, France, Egypt, Ireland, Romania and Azerbaijan.
For the third year, it is held in conjunction with the Western Balkans Information and Media Literacy Conference, allowing for engagement across many of the key issues facing libraries today.
Past IFLA President, Glòria Pérez-Salmerón will give a keynote speech, on the topic of ‘From challenged to challenger: libraries facing the future with confidence’.