World Assembly of the International Council on Adult Education
Libraries have a key role as part of the lifelong learning infrastructure of any community, and therefore are natural allies of the wider adult learning and education sector. We are therefore happy to participate in the World Assembly of the International Council on Adult Education (ICAE), as it celebrates its 50th birthday.
The International Council for Adult Education (IACE) is IFLA’s sister organisation in the field, working both to provide opportunities for adult educators to build networks and skills, and to advocate for the importance of their work internationally.
IFLA has been happy to work with the Council, at the United Nations, UNESCO and beyond.
We are therefore also pleased to participate in the World Assembly of ICAE on 28-29 November in Bali, Indonesia, where we will be underlining the importance of seeing libraries as partners with a unique contribution to make, and so which should be integrated fully into relevant policies and strategies.