We are welcoming signatures from library and information workers, institutions and associations around the world for the Library SDG Pledge, an opportunity to demonstrate to leaders and partners our commitment to supporting efforts to transform our world.

At the half way point in the UN’s 2030 Agenda, it is time to show the world and its leaders how engaged the global library field is making it a success.

Libraries’ engagement has been as deep as it has been broad. As well as adopting the imagery and language of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), libraries globally have embraced the key ideas behind it, using the Goals both in their own internal reflection and planning, and in their external advocacy work.

This has had an impact – libraries and library associations have transformed the way they see themselves and their role, and aligned the work they are planning with wider policy agendas. They have broadened the range of leaders and stakeholders who understand their work, and will support them. And they have, in 2023, seen more countries than ever before reference libraries in their Voluntary National Reviews of SDG implementation.

We now want to build on this hard work by bringing together voices to show this level of commitment to the goals by gathering signatures to the Library SDG Pledge. We welcome these from associations, institutions and individuals alike.

Sign up to the pledge!

This is a short and simple text, prepared with IFLA’s Regional Council and Management of Library Associations Section, which both highlights how libraries themselves will follow the word and spirit of the SDGs, but also calls on governments to ensure that the role of libraries and access to information is recognised and supported.

We aim to share numbers of signatories at UN meetings in September, as well as in subsequent meetings around the SDGs.

The text is below, in all IFLA languages, and you can sign up to it at this link. The list of signatories can be found at bottom!

Library pledge for the SDGs

 In our work, we pledge to:

– Help our users to understand the importance of sustainable development

– Apply the SDGs in our own strategies and work

– Engage with the authorities and partners to advance sustainable development

In particular through our associations, we call on governments to pledge to:

– Reaffirm the importance of access to information as a driver of development

– Integrate libraries into wider development planning

– Give libraries the tools and rules necessary to realise their potential to support development


Engagement des bibliothèques en faveur des ODD

Dans le cadre de notre travail, nous nous engageons à

– aider nos utilisateurs à comprendre l’importance du développement durable

– Appliquer les ODD dans nos propres stratégies et travaux

– Collaborer avec les autorités et les partenaires pour faire progresser le développement durable.

En particulier par le biais de nos associations, nous appelons les gouvernements à s’engager à :

– Réaffirmer l’importance de l’accès à l’information en tant que moteur du développement

– Intégrer les bibliothèques dans la planification du développement au sens large

– Donner aux bibliothèques les outils et les règles nécessaires pour réaliser leur potentiel de soutien au développement


Compromiso de las bibliotecas con los ODS

En nuestro trabajo, nos comprometemos a

– Ayudar a nuestros usuarios a comprender la importancia del desarrollo sostenible

– Aplicar los ODS en nuestras propias estrategias y trabajo

– Colaborar con las autoridades y los socios para promover el desarrollo sostenible.

En particular, a través de nuestras asociaciones, pedimos a los gobiernos que se comprometan a:

– Reafirmar la importancia del acceso a la información como motor del desarrollo

– Integrar las bibliotecas en la planificación general del desarrollo

– dotar a las bibliotecas de las herramientas y normas necesarias para aprovechar su potencial de apoyo al Desarrollo


Bibliotheksversprechen für die SDGs

Wir verpflichten uns, bei unserer Arbeit:

– unseren Nutzerinnen und Nutzern zu helfen, die Bedeutung der nachhaltigen Entwicklung zu verstehen

– die SDGs in unseren eigenen Strategien und unserer Arbeit anzuwenden

– mit den Behörden und Partnern zusammenzuarbeiten, um die nachhaltige Entwicklung voranzutreiben.

Insbesondere durch unsere Verbände fordern wir die Regierungen auf, sich zu verpflichten:

– die Bedeutung des Zugangs zu Informationen als Motor für Entwicklung zu bekräftigen

– Bibliotheken in die allgemeine Entwicklungsplanung einzubeziehen

– den Bibliotheken die notwendigen Instrumente und Regeln an die Hand zu geben, damit sie ihr Potenzial zur Unterstützung der Entwicklung ausschöpfen können




– 帮助我们的用户了解可持续发展的重要性

– 在我们自己的战略和工作中应用可持续发展目标

– 与政府部门和合作伙伴共同推进可持续发展


– 重申信息获取作为发展动力的重要性

– 将图书馆纳入更广泛的发展规划中

– 为图书馆提供必要的工具和规则,以发挥其支持发展的潜力


Обязательства библиотеки по достижению ЦУР

В своей работе мы обязуемся:

– Помочь нашим пользователям понять важность устойчивого развития

– Применять ЦУР в наших собственных стратегиях и работе

– взаимодействовать с властями и партнерами для продвижения устойчивого развития.

В частности, через наши ассоциации мы призываем правительства взять на себя обязательства:

– Подтвердить важность доступа к информации как движущей силы развития

– Включить библиотеки в более широкое планирование развития

– Предоставить библиотекам инструменты и правила, необходимые для реализации их потенциала в поддержке развития



تعهد المكتبة لأهداف التنمية المستدامة

نتعهد في عملنا بما يلي:

مساعدة مستخدمينا على فهم أهمية التنمية المستدامة –

تطبيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة في استراتيجياتنا وعملنا –

التواصل مع السلطات والشركاء للنهوض بالتنمية المستدامة –

على وجه الخصوص من خلال جمعياتنا ، ندعو الحكومات إلى التعهد بما يلي:

إعادة التأكيد على أهمية الوصول إلى المعلومات كمحرك للتنمية-

دمج المكتبات في تخطيط التنمية الأوسع –

إعطاء المكتبات الأدوات والقواعد اللازمة لتحقيق إمكاناتها لدعم التنمية –


Signatories (15 September 2023)


ASNID (Association des spécialistes nigériens de l’information documentaire), Niger

Asociación de Bibliotecarios/as y Documentalistas de Canarias (ByD Canarias), Spain

Asociacion de Bibliotecólogos del Uruguay, Uruguay

Asociación de Profesionales de Bibliotecas de Burgos, Spain

Asociación Mexicana de Bibliotecarios, A.C., Mexico

Asociación Profesional de Bibliotecarios Municipais de Galicia, Spain

Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic

Association of Professional Librarians, Mauritius

Associazione Italiana  Biblioteche  (AIB), Italy

Australian Library and Information Association, Australia

Bibliosuisse, Switzerland

Botswana Library Association, Botswana

Colegio de Bibliotecarios de Chile, Chile

Federación Española de Asociaciones de Archivos, Bibliotecas, Documentación y Museos (FESABID), Spain

Fédération des milieux documentaires, Canada

Free Libraries Network FLN, India

Indian Library Association, India

Karnataka State Library Association (R), India

Marshall Islands Library Association (MILA), Marshall Islands

Myanmar Library Association, Myanmar

National association of library and information science university of Abuja, Nigeria

National Information Workers Association of Namibia, Namibia

Polish Librarians Association, Poland

SLA India, India

Sri Lanka Library Association, Sri Lanka

Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich, Poland

Zimbabwe Library Association, Zimbabwe


Alele Public Library, Marshall Islands

All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Russia

American University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Biblioteca del Congreso de Chile, Chile

Biblioteca Depositaria de las Naciones Unidas y Habitat, Argentina

Biblioteca Pública de Purchena, Spain

Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Ribadavia, Spain

Biblioteche di Ateneo – Università di Napoli Parthenope, Italy

Biblioteques de Barcelona, Spain

Bibliothèque publique d’information, France

Bord Bia – The Irish Food Board, Ireland

BPM, Spain

Carlos Hilado Memorial State University, Philippines

College of the Marshall Islands Library, Marshall Islands

Department of Education Central Office Library-Bureau of Learning Resources, Philippines

Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calicut, India

Federal University of Health Sceinces, ILA Orangun, Nigeria

Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias  de la Salud FUCS, Colombia

Global Libraries Bulgaria Foundation, Bulgaria

Gminna Biblioteka Publiczna w Borowej, Poland

International Graduate School of Leadership Library, Philippines

Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, Nigeria

Los Angeles Public Library, United States

Los Angeles Public Library, United States

Louth Library Service, Ireland

Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Legionowie, Poland

Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar

National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India

National Library, Indonesia

National Library and Information System Authority, Trinidad and Tobago

National Library of Mexico, Mexico

National University of Lesotho Library, Lesotho

Parliament of Ghana library, Ghana

Polish Library, Poland

Silesian Library, Poland

SIMAD University Libraries, Somalia

Stadtbibliothek Dornbirn, Austria

Sudan University of Technology, Sudan

Sunway Library, Malaysia

  1. A. Marryshow Community College, Grenada

Tartu Public Library, Estonia

Trondheim Public Library, Norway

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Library), Thailand

Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, Colombia

University of British Columbia Library, Canada

University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

UPAEP, University, Mexico

Wicklow County Council Library Service, Ireland


Abdulrasheed Muhammad Tauhid, Nigeria

Adama Kone, Cote d’Ivoire

Afroditi Fragkou, Greece

Agnes Hajdu Barat prof., Hungary

Ahmad Faizar Bin Jaafar, Malaysia

Ahmad Safwan Hj Jalil, Brunei

Alberto Llano Fontela, Spain

Amy Walduck, Australia

Anaseini Talei, Marshall Islands

Anfel Touafek, Algeria

Annie Bonnaud, France

B. Siva (Dr), India

Barbara J Ford, United States

Barbara Lison, Germany

Barulaganye Hulela, Botswana

Bayan Saleh Abu Sini, Jordan

Beth Filar Williams, United States

Blanca Isabel Fuentes López, Mexico

Carlton Kiluwe, Marshall Islands

Carmen Elena Castrillón, Colombia

Carolynn Rankin (Dr), United Kingdom

Charis Onuoha (Dr), Nigeria

Cory Lampert, United States

Daryl L. Superio, Philippines

David Koech, Kenya

Dee Magnoni, United States

Dhanasri Shivani T G, India

Dina Mashiyane, South Africa

Donna Lyn Labangon, Philippines

Dr Ifaka Queen Inazu, Nigeria

Dr Priya Vaidya, India

Dr Subhash Reddy B, India

Dr. Bhakti Gala, India

Dr. Susan Mathew K., India

Emma infante sentelles, Spain

Evangeline Koli Shinali, Kenya

F. Tim Knight, Canada

Fernando Izquierdo Franco, Spain

Genevieve Marmin, France

Gerald Beasley, Canada

Gladys Delia Lizana Salvatierra, Peru

Gopalji, India

Graciela Edith Pérez, Argentina

Hasna Askhita, Syria

Inoue, Yasuyo, Japan

J K Vijayakumar, Antigua and Barbuda

Jamilu Abdullahi, Nigeria

Jan Richards, Australia

Janelynn Mandira Kios, Marshall Islands

Jeanette Castle, United Kingdom

JM, Poland

John Spears, United States

Jonathan Hernández Pérez, Mexico

Julijana Nadj-Guttandin, Germany

JungWon Yoon, South Korea

Karen du Toit, South Africa

Karina Fiorini, Luxembourg

Karolina Andersdotter, Finland

Kenneth Ohis IRENOA, Nigeria

Kgomotso Radijeng, Botswana

Lallaisangzuali, India

Laurie Reese, United States

Layarteb Alfi, United Arab Emirates

Lethabo Ledwaba, South Africa

Lisa Jeraan, Marshall Islands

Loy Jyoon Chin, Malaysia

Mairead MC Keown, Ireland

Man Yi Helen CHAN, Hong Kong (China)

Manas Samanta, India

María Angélica Fuentes M., Chile

Mariam Bhanu M.A, India

Marica, Croatia

Martin Adalberto Tena Espinoza de los Monteros, Mexico

Namutenya Hamwaalwa, Namibia

Neda Adamović, Croatia

Nkululeko Magwaza, South Africa

Pamela Gonzalez, Paraguay

Pankaj Bhati, India

Peter Walton, Australia

Petra Hauke (Dr), Germany

Pratibha Singh, India

Premchand Hauroo, Mauritius

Premila Gamage, Sri Lanka

Prosper Josiah Machuve, Zimbabwe

Ramyamala Cooke, United Kingdom

Randa Al Chidiac, Lebanon

Rashmi Kumbar, India

Raymond Pun, United States

Robin Kear, United States

Rolf Hapel, Denmark

Sangeeta Narang, India

Shaharima Parvin, Bangladesh

Simonetta Pasqualis, Italy

Souleymane SOGOBA, Mali

Sourav Debnath, India

Sudhanshu Bajpai, India

Sue Hutley, Australia

Susmita Chakraborty, India

Syamili C. (Dr), India

Te Paea Paringatai, New Zealand

Trevor A. Dawes, United States

Verenaisi Bavadra, Marshall Islands

Vicki McDonald, Australia

Vidar Lund, Norway

Vikash Kumar Singh, India

Vinit Kumar, India

Vivienne Byrd, United States

W. J. Jeyaraj (Dr), Sri Lanka

Winston Roberts, New Zealand