Funding to support development of IFLA Standards
The development of IFLA Standards is, in general, carried out through the voluntary contribution of (sometimes significant) time and financial support by or for Standing Committee members and other volunteers working with the relevant Standing Committee, Review Group, or other Professional Unit.
In some circumstances, additional funding from IFLA Professional Council Funds is agreed by the Professional Council to ensure a standard is produced that reflects the high quality expected by IFLA Members. IFLA Professional Units may request such additional funding through the normal Professional Council’s Project Funding process.
The Professional Council has also set aside each year an amount of 6000 Euros (or equivalent) to support the development and ongoing maintenance of the conceptual models and bibliographic standards managed by the IFLA Review Groups. The process for allocating these funds follows the same procedure as that of the Project Funding process (above) but is overseen by the Advisory Committee on Standards, which reports its decisions to the Professional Council.