CoS at WLIC 2023: Sessions about IFLA Standards
05 février 2024
The Advisory Committee on Standards (CoS) welcomes you to its sessions during the World Library and Information Congress in Rotterdam, 20-25 August 2023.
Advisory Committee on Standards business meeting, Review Group committee meetings, open sessions
SC Meeting Advisory Committee on Standards
Session ID: 059
Room: Port 2
Sunday, 20 August, 03:45 PM – 05:45 PM
Open Session: ISBDM or ISBD Reshaped to LRM: Towards Integrating IFLA Bibliographic Standards
Session ID: 193
Room: Dock 10
Tuesday, 22 August, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
The IFLA ISBD Review Group is planning a soft launch in 2023 of the ISBDM, that is the ISBD standard aligned to IFLA LRM conceptual model at the Manifestation Entity level, as a first step to a full implementation of LRM. This revision aligning the ISBD to LRM which overview was presented in a webinar in January 2023, is considered the first initiative to achieve complementarity, moreover integration, between IFLA bibliographic standards.
In this session, the developers of the ISBDM will present an ISBD reshaped to LRM, that is an ISBD that has completed its transformation into a modular, entity-based content standard, implementing and extending LRM, structure wise and modelling wise. The session also demonstrates the potential of delivering IFLA’s metadata standards as online toolkits taking the ISBDM as the first model of an IFLA bibliographic standard delivered as a toolkit.
Bibliographic Conceptual Models (BCM) Review Group meeting
Session ID: 129
Room: Dock 15
Tuesday, 22 August, 02:30 PM – 04:30 PM
UNIMARC Committee meeting
Session ID: 145
Room: Dock 14
Wednesday, 23 August, 08:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Open Session: International Standards in the Digital Information Landscape: the Development and Consultation Process
Session ID: 153
Room: Dock 10
Wednesday, 23 August, 11:30 AM – 12:45 PM
The digital information environment is dynamic and complex. Multi-disciplinary information communities update and develop new standards that link and integrate across platforms, informed by and coherent with underlying information principles and policies. The Advisory Committee on Standards presents its work to the IFLA community and invites colleagues to join the discussion on standards and their role in the information professions
Linked Data Technical Sub-Committee (LIDATEC) meeting
Session ID: 168
Room: Dock 13
Thursday, 24 August, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) Review Group meeting
Session ID: 183
Room: Dock 13
Thursday, 24 August, 12:30 PM – 02:30 PM
And start your conference with the Satellite meeting jointly sponsored by the Bibliography, Cataloguing, and Subject Analysis & Access sections
WLIC 2023 Satellite meeting: Universal Bibliographic Control at the crossroads: the challenges of unifying IFLA bibliographic standards, 18-19 August 2023, Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België (KBR), Brussels, Belgium