Engagement with SDG process
Participating in Sub Saharan Africa Regional Sustainable Development Fora; promoting participation in Voluntary National Reviews; sharing best practices in development agendas.
Participate in Internet Governance Fora
Participating in Africa Internet Governance Forum (IGF); participating in Global IGF; encouraging Library Associations and other library types within the region to dialogue on issues of legal and ethical concern relating to access to information through the web.
Peer-to-Peer advocacy & Capacity building
Understanding regional advocacy needs in a post COVID 19 world; strengthening capacity-building initiatives within the region and advocating for policy processes and services as they emerge.
Supporting Outreach
Organise webinars on the identified priority areas; expand contacts with non-IFLA member countries; demonstrate the value of being part of the global library field, IFLA.
Enriching the Library Map of the World
Target and obtain country profiles from 16 countries that are not engaged on the Library Map of the World; promote sustainable engagement in 16 countries that are not visible on the Library Map of the World.