Webinar Series for Professional Practice in Social Science Research
The SSLS, partnering with the Library Theory & Research (LTR) Section, will host a webinar series/workshop to inspire and enhance the professional practice of those performing social science research across the globe. In this series, librarians and academic professionals will share their extensive experience in research design, methods, analysis, and dissemination to introduce participants to research in real-world settings and translate empirical findings to both practice and publishable results.
The Project is realized under Strategic Direction 2 – Inspire and Enhance Professional Practice,
Key Initiative 2.1 Produce, communicate and distribute key resources and materials that inspire the profession
Working group: Lindsay Ozburn (Chair, USA), Jennifer Voutssas (Secretary, Mexico), Ekaterina Shibaeva (Information Coordinator, Russia), Abby Moore (USA), Celia Emmelhainz (USA)
WLIC-2023 Open Session Planning
- The Social Sciences Libraries Section (SocSci) in cooperation with Reference and Information Services Section (RISS) are hosting an ignite talks session “Bringing Back Patrons to the Library: Promoting Community and In-Person Programming in Digital World” at the 2023 IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Rotterdam, The Netherland, August 21-25, 2023.
Paper proposals are due 23 April 2023
The Project is realized under Strategic Direction 2 – Inspire and Enhance Professional Practice,
Key Initiative 2.1 Produce, communicate and distribute key resources and materials that inspire the profession
Working group: Lindsay Ozburn (Chair, USA), Jennifer Voutssas (Secretary, Mexico), Ekaterina Shibaeva (Information Coordinator, Russia), Abby Moore (USA) and others as interested
Social Media Push
SSLS is working to enhance our communications and social media practices to encourage more profound and meaningful engagement between SSLS, the IFLA community, and beyond. Planned activities include:
- Regular “get-to-know-our-members” profiles on social media. These profiles include short snippets of each member’s motivations for being in IFLA, how their motivations connect with IFLA strategic directions, and short professional biographies. As a result, there will be the creation of a database of experts in Social Science Librarianship.
- Frequent recommendations for social science literature on social media. These literature recommendations are coming directly from SSLS members as a form of engagement within the section. As a result, there will be a list of valuable publications published on the Section website.
The Project is realized under Strategic Direction 3 Connect and Empower the Field,
Key Initiative 3.2 Support virtual networking and connections
Working Group include primaries: Ekaterina Shibaeva (Russia), Jennifer Voutssas (Mexico).
The SSLS SC will contribute as a whole to their profiles. We’ve also asked members to submit articles/resources related to social science librarianship as they come up.
Supporting the Special Interest Group, RELINDIAL
The Project is realized under Strategic Direction 3 Connect and Empower the Field,
Key Initiative 3.2 Support virtual networking and connections
Working Group: Lindsay Ozburn (Chair, USA), Donatus Düsterhaus (Switzerland), Fabien Vandermarcq (France), Sophie Vasseur (France)