IFLA Conference Programmes

  • 2019, Athens
  1. Enter the third dimension: measuring impact in metropolitan libraries (with Statistics and evaluation and Public Libraries)
  2. TBC (with Information Technology)
  • 2018, Kuala LumpurSanctuaries in the city: the public library as a safe space
  • 2017, Wrocław:
  1. Public libraries as place makers in today’s cities: urban development, resiliency and social equity
  2. Check me out! Human libraries and unique circulating collections, from art to technology petting zoos (with Acquisition and Collection Development and Public Libraries)
  • 2016, Columbus
  1. Regenerating the public library? Rebranding, retail and Dewey-less versus traditional models
  2. Academic, metropolitan and school libraries: cooperation and sharing (with Academic and Research Libraries and School Libraries)
  1. How broadband makes cities and libraries intelligent [presentation by Barbara Clubb] 
  2. Rethinking the role of public libraries (with Public Libraries)
  1. Renovating and renewing libraries: the wow factor (with Library Buildings and Equipment)
  2. Advocacy in the political arena in support of public libraries and their services and programs (with Public Libraries)


INTAMEL / METLIB annual conferences

For a history of INTAMEL/METLIB conferences, read A Personal View on 25 Years of INTAMEL History, presented by Christian Relly at the 2008 MetLib Conference in Prague