
The first joint E4GDH and HBS webinar took place on 23 April 2020. Bob Gann was the presenter.


Bob described how community organisations including libraries have worked to support people who might otherwise be excluded. This has been achieved by providing access to technology and building digital skills, confidence and digital health literacy. He concludes with actions being taken now, during the global health crisis, to ensure those who most need information and support are not left behind in the digital age.  The presentation generated lots of questions. Bob responded to some during the webinar, and all the questions with his answers are included below.

The webinar is 50 minutes long.

Subtitles / closed captions are available – click on Settings then Subtitles/CC and select ‘English’.

Further Information

Accompanying resources

Bob has developed the following list of resources to accompany his presentation

Journal article

Digital health literacy

Digital inclusion initiatives in UK

Online digital skills training

Tackling fake news and misinformation

Mobilising community resources

Remote care

Supporting the most vulnerable

Voice activated devices:

Virtual reality:

How to guides

Bob Gann
23 April 2020

Our thanks to Healthcare Information For All (HIFA) online forum for hosting a discussion exploring issues relating to the theme of the webinar. Dr Karishma Kurup kindly summarised this in short and full versions.

Join here: www.hifa.org/joinhifa

Presenter Biography

Bob Gann is an independent consultant, specialising in digital inclusion and combating digital health inequalities. He works as a Digital Inclusion Specialist for the National Health Service (NHS) with organisations including NHS Digital, Public Health England and Digital Communities Wales. He trained as a healthcare librarian and was Strategy Director for the NHS website.