Cover of the IFLA Professional Report No. 137 The Government Information Landscape and Libraries


Congratulations to the editors and authors of the IFLA Professional Report No. 137, titled “The Government Information Landscape and Libraries” on receiving the 2023 Margaret T. Lane/Virginia F. Saunders Memorial Research Award from the American Library Association, Government Documents Roundtable (ALA GODORT).

The authors are Dr. Kay Cassell*, James Church*, Kathryn Tallman*, Nerisa Kamar, Dr. Clive Tsuma, Susan Paterson*, Dr. Mohammad Zuheir Bakleh, Lize Denner, Anna Mastora, Maria Koloniari, Maria Monopoli, Jungwon Yang*, Anastasia A. Drozdova*, Hannah Chandler, Jennie Grimshaw, Fiona Laing, Kian Flynn, Cass Hartnett, Maya Swanes and Robert Lopresti.
* = current or past GIOPS Standing Committee members

The Lane/Saunders award is given annually to an author(s) of an outstanding published research in which government information forms a substantial part of the documented research.  The report illustrates the challenges and complexities posed by government publishing systems and the need to maintain professional government information expertise in libraries to help users discover and interpret it.

Megan Price, Professional Support Officer of IFLA, summarizes:  “In addition to its value to professionals working within the field, the publication also provides valuable support for advocacy and engagement in wider open government discussions. It has already received a  warm reception from UNESCO, and has formed the basis for engagement at the African Union’s African Regional Peer Review Mechanism. Through this, we are able not only to show the knowledge and insight of libraries in questions of open government, but also advocate for our institutions to be given a stronger role in delivering it, and the resources to match.”

Read more about the Report from the July 2021 GIOPS news article.


The Government Information Landscape and Libraries

The Government Information Landscape and Libraries is an IFLA Professional Report that illustrates the challenges and complexities posed by government publishing systems and the need to maintain professional government information expertise in libraries to help users discover and interpret it. The r...