Sustainability is libraries' business

As institutions with a societal mission, it is natural for libraries to seek to address the major societal challenges of today – and there are fewer greater than sustainability. With agreement of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development three years ago, this has been recognised as major political priority, and governments have committed to act.

Libraries are well placed to contribute. As a network of at least 2.3 million institutions, they have both global reach, and the possibility to understand and respond to local needs and priorities. They also exist in very different contexts, from major national or university libraries to small public, school or mobile ones.

This publication draws together examples of how libraries are using this commitment – and this potential – to deliver on sustainability in three key ways: 1) by showcasing sustainable building techniques and services; 2) by promoting understanding and action around sustainability in their communities; and 3) by supporting new research into sustainability.


Exemplars, Educators, Enablers: Libraries and Sustainability

As institutions with a societal mission, it is natural for libraries to seek to address the major societal challenges of today – and there are fewer greater than sustainability. With agreement of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development three years ago, this has been recognise...


Bibliothèques et développement durable : exemples, enseignements, outils

On peut dire que les bibliothèques sont un exemple précoce d’économie participative. En acquérant collectivement des livres (par le biais d’abonnements dans le cas des bibliothèques privées, ou de taxes pour les bibliothèques publiques), elles ont révélé une façon formidable de maxima...

Ejemplos, educadoras, habilitadoras: bibliotecas y sostenibilidad

Este artículo reúne ejemplos de cómo las bibliotecas están utilizando este compromiso —y este potencial— para cumplir con la sostenibilidad de tres maneras clave: 1) exhibiendo técnicas de construcción y servicios sostenibles; 2) promoviendo la comprensión y la acción en torno a la soste...

Exemplares, Educadores, Facilitadores: Bibliotecas e Sustentabilidade

Este artigo reúne exemplos de como as bibliotecas utilizam esse compromisso - e esse potencial - para alcançar a sustentabilidade de três maneiras principais: 1) apresentando técnicas e serviços de construção sustentável; 2) promovendo a compreensão e a ação em torno da sustentabilidade n...

Vorbilder, Erzieher, Ermöglicher: Bibliotheken und Nachhaltigkeit

In diesem Artikel werden Beispiele zusammengestellt, wie Bibliotheken die Verpflichtung – und das Potenzial – zur Förderung von Nachhaltigkeit hauptsächlich auf drei verschiedenen Wegen erfüllen: 1) durch die Präsentation nachhaltiger Bautechniken und Dienstleistungen, 2) durch Förderung de...

النماذج، والمعلمين، م كنين: المكتبات واالستدامة

تجمع هذه المقالة معًا أمثلة حول كيفية عمل المكتبات بهذا االلتزام - وهذه اإلمكانية - لتحقيق االستدامة من
خالل ثالث طرق رئيسية: 1-عن طريق عرض تقنيات وخدمات البناء المست...



الگوها، مربيان، توانمندسازها: کتابخانهها و پایداری

این مقاله در مجموع، مثالهایی از نحوه استفاده کتابخانهها از این تعهد و ظرفيت برای تحقق پایداری به سه روش کليدی ارائه میکند :١ (با نمایش مواردی از تکنيکهای ساخت و ساز و ...

Esempi, educatrici, facilitatrici: biblioteche e sostenibilità

L’articolo raccoglie esempi di come le biblioteche stiano facendo fronte a questo impegno - e usando questo potenziale - per agire sulla sostenibilità in tre modi cruciali: 1) presentando tecniche costruttive degli edifici e servizi sostenibili 2) promuovendo la comprensione e l’azione attorno ...

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