The IFLA Digital Humanities and Digital Scholarship SIG will hold its on Business Meeting on Tuesday 22 August 2023 in Dock 15 at the Rotterdam Convention Centre from from 1.00-2.30 pm. (CEST)


We will discuss our plans for the long term and for the immediate future:

13:00 – 13:40 Introductions (Xuemao Wang)

  1. Outgoing leadership: Convener, Secretary, and Information Coordinator 
  2. Coming leadership: Convener, Secretary, and Information Coordinator
  3. SIG Committee Members (9 formal members)
  4. Guests

13:40 – 2:00 SIG Leadership Transition and Business Continuity (Xuemao Wang)

  1. The history, mission, sponsored Knowledge Management Section and major activities of SIG. (See details at:
  2. The current status of SIG: extension of two years followed by re-evaluation as to whether it is ready to become a full Section or discontinued. (See IFLA SIG four-year review guideline: Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Four-Year Report and …IFLA › officers › key-documents
  3. Other business continuity: SIG website. Social Media. Mailing List. Basecamp. 

2:00 – 2:30 Planning for the Future Works of SIG (Sabrina Celi)

  1. From IFLA Strategy 2019-2024 to DH/DS SIG ‘directions’. DH/DS in a changing world: strengthening the global voice of our community. What will be the next hot topic?
  2. Projects, research, people: connecting and enhancing, promoting initiatives (“Meet up at DH/DS SIG”); inspiring and empowering (“DH DS Directory”).
  3. How can we differentiate ourselves? Optimise and communicate the activities of the DH/DS SIG by investing in increased visibility (social media, website, blog, newsletter)

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