IFLA WLIC 2023 Digital Humanities Digital Scholarship SIG Business Meeting Agenda
21 August 2023
The IFLA Digital Humanities and Digital Scholarship SIG will hold its on Business Meeting on Tuesday 22 August 2023 in Dock 15 at the Rotterdam Convention Centre from from 1.00-2.30 pm. (CEST)
We will discuss our plans for the long term and for the immediate future:
13:00 – 13:40 Introductions (Xuemao Wang)
- Outgoing leadership: Convener, Secretary, and Information Coordinator
- Coming leadership: Convener, Secretary, and Information Coordinator
- SIG Committee Members (9 formal members)
- Guests
13:40 – 2:00 SIG Leadership Transition and Business Continuity (Xuemao Wang)
- The history, mission, sponsored Knowledge Management Section and major activities of SIG. (See details at: https://www.ifla.org/
units/dhds/) - The current status of SIG: extension of two years followed by re-evaluation as to whether it is ready to become a full Section or discontinued. (See IFLA SIG four-year review guideline: Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Four-Year Report and …IFLAhttps://www.ifla.org › officers › key-documents)
- Other business continuity: SIG website. Social Media. Mailing List. Basecamp.
2:00 – 2:30 Planning for the Future Works of SIG (Sabrina Celi)
- From IFLA Strategy 2019-2024 https://www.ifla.
org/units/strategy/ to DH/DS SIG ‘directions’. DH/DS in a changing world: strengthening the global voice of our community. What will be the next hot topic? - Projects, research, people: connecting and enhancing, promoting initiatives (“Meet up at DH/DS SIG”); inspiring and empowering (“DH DS Directory”).
- How can we differentiate ourselves? Optimise and communicate the activities of the DH/DS SIG by investing in increased visibility (social media, website, blog, newsletter)
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