Satellite meeting: Bibliography, Cataloguing and Subject Analysis and Access sections. 18-19 August, KBR, Brussels, Belgium.
Theme: Universal Bibliographic Control at the crossroads: the challenges of unifying IFLA bibliographic standards


Satellite meeting: Cataloguing joint with Information Technology and Subject Analysis and Access and Bibliography. 22 August, Thessaloniki, Greece

ThemeMetadata specialists in the machine age

World Library and Information Congress: 85th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
24-30 August, Athens, Greece

Session 261 Bibliography Clinic: 29.08.2019, 10:45 – 12:45. Come to our “Bibliography Clinic!” A panel of librarians experienced with bibliography will answer questions and propose solutions to challenging problems brought by the audience. We’ll also draw on the collective wisdom of the audience, and invite everyone to lend their expertise in this interactive session. Please come with your questions and we’ll answer them together!


World Library and Information Congress: 84th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
24-30 August, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ThemeNational Bibliographies: Forging a Path to Access to Information


World Library and Information Congress: 83rd IFLA General Conference and Assembly
19-25 August, Wroclaw, Poland

Theme: Challenging society and naming identity: Subject access and bibliography in a multicultural worldBibliography with Subject Analysis and Access


World Library and Information Congress: 82nd IFLA General Conference and Assembly
14-18 August, Columbus, OH, United States

Theme: Opening the National Bibliography: transforming access to data and building connections


World Library and Information Congress: 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly
17-23 August, Cape Town, South Africa
Theme: National bibliographies transformed : matters relating to the legal deposit of electronic resources


World Library and Information Congress: 80th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
16-22 August, Lyon, France
Theme: Universal Bibliographic Control in the Digital Age: Golden Opportunity or Paradise Lost?
Cataloguing with Bibliography, Classification & Indexing and UNIMARC Strategic Programme


World Library and Information Congress: 79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
17-23 August, Singapore
Theme: Opening up the bibliography for the future



World Library and Information Congress: 13-18 August 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Themee-Legal deposit: from legislation to implementation; from ingest to access


World Library and Information Congress: 10-15 August 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden
Theme: Open access to national bibliographies: best practices and business models


World Library and Information Congress: 23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy
Theme: Promoting and Preserving National Bibliographies, our Testimony of Cultural Heritage


World Library and Information Congress: 10-14 August 2008, Québec, Canada


World Library and Information Congress: 14-18 August 2005, Oslo, Norway

ThemeNational bibliography: new tools, new materials


Activities of the Section at the WLIC/IFLA Annual Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 22-27 August


Activities of the Section at the WLIC/IFLA Annual Conference in Berlin, Germany, 1-8 August