
IFLA Division C will be hosting the Webinar Series for LIS students first initiated by the IFLA Division IV – Support of the Profession in spring 2021. These webinars aim to create a place for students to share their projects, research, and ideas about different topics related to libraries. October’s theme is “International Engagement and Collaboration – Getting Started”. LIS students will share their experience on how to be involved in international cooperation, whether through a joint project with a partner library, through conference visits, stays abroad, study trips, internships, etc.

There will be two webinars dedicated to this theme. The first webinar is scheduled for 22 October 2021, with Hella Klauser (Germany) as keynote. The keynote speaker of the second webinar on Oct. 29, 2021 is Tonia Arahova, IFLA President-elect 2021-2023. She will present a lecture “IFLA’s New Structure: Collaboration in motion”.  Watch the recording from the Oct. 29 webinar at:

Keynote: Tonia Arahova

Tonia Arahova is IFLA’s President-elect 2021-2023. She serves as President of General Council for Libraries in Greece. The period 2017-2019 was The Head of The Library of The President of Hellenic Democracy. She has served as the Acting General Director of the National Library of Greece where she works since 1995. From 2004 till 2009 she was counselor of the Head of the group of Greek MEPs in Brussels in cultural policy, heritage and cultural creation of interconnection networks. She holds a BA in Byzantine and Modern Literature, an MBA from the Athens University of Business and Economics and a Master in Communication and Media Studies. Her PhD thesis ( she is a PhD candidate in Library Science is on “Strategies for the implementation of E-Services in The National Library of Greece”.  She has served as IFLA Treasurer, member of the Governing Board of IFLA, IFLA Executive Committee, IFLA Congress Advisory Committee, and Chair in Division IV (Support of The Profession), IFLA Professional Committee and also member of the International Jury Committee of IFLA International Marketing Award. From 2007 till 2010 she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Greek General State Archives. She speaks English, French and Italian and she plays the piano. She is the Managing Director of the literary magazine dekata.

She has published articles about strategic management, public diplomacy, cultural heritage marketing and strategic reforms in human resources. She is the current Secretary General of ENAM (European Network of American Alumni Associations). She had served as Special Advisor to The Alternate Minister of Immigration for European Parliament Issues and Libraries.


Pavel Prikhozhev (Russia) – “National Library Associations as One of the Main Library Cooperation Drivers: the Case of American Library Association”
Kevin Conrad T. Tansiongco (Philippines ) – “Asia to Europe: German Library and Archives Study Tour and Experience”


Albina Krymskaya, Associate Professor and Deputy Dean, Library and Information Science Department, St. Petersburg State University of Culture, Susanne List-Tretthahn, Head of Education, Austrian Library Association.