General Assembly
The General Assembly (GA) is the highest governance body of the Federation, bringing together IFLA’s Members to take key decisions.
As set out in IFLA’s Statutes, it has the key functions of determining the purposes and values of the Federation, amending the Statutes, setting the conditions of membership, and receiving and approving annual financial reports and accounts.
At meetings, the President, Treasurer, and Secretary General report on IFLA’s activities in line with IFLA’s Strategy, and Members have the opportunity to have their say. In addition, Members can exercise their voice by proposing items for the General Assembly agenda.
The General Assembly is usually held in conjunction with the annual World Library and Information Congress to enable the largest number of Members to attend in person, but there are also possibilities to vote by proxy, or to vote electronically. Further information about the General Assembly can be found in IFLA’s Statutes and Rules of Procedure.