IFLA WLIC Feature Articles

Reports, interviews and other big stories.

30 September 2014

In total, approximately 3900 people passed through the doors of the World Library and Information Congress 2014 in Lyon.

Total number of countries represented 132
Total Full time delegates 2590
Day registrations 632
Accompanying persons 101
Volunteers 327
Exhibition space 1124 m2 confirmed
21 August 2014

IFLA WLIC 2014 Closing Session

During the Closing Session on 21 August, IFLA President Sinikka Sipilä and IFLA Professional Committee Chair Lynne Rudasill conferred a number of honours and awards

IFLA WLIC 2016 in Columbus, Ohio, United States

During the Closing Session, IFLA President Sinikka Sipilä officially announced the host location for the World Library and Information Congress 2016.

 Dr Shawky Salem (gauche) et Bassim Mohmmad Faris Saleh (droite)

Bassim Faris, Development and E-library Advisor, United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA), Amman, Jordanie.

Georges Kepenekian, first Deputy Mayor of Lyon, in charge of culture, large events and citizens' rights, addresses questions on how access to information supports development and how libraries contribute to the development of society.

For those who have not been able to make it to the posters presentations, or the congress, we have some impressions of ten poster presenters... interviews.

Vous êtes volontaire à l’IFLA cette année. Êtes-vous bibliothécaire ?


1001 Before You Die"1001 libraries to see before you die" launched, and Public Library of the Year 2014 award presented at the session hosted by IFLA’s Public Libraries Section and Library Buildings and Equipment Section.

Marc Chauveinc passed away last month. French professional, General Inspector of libraries, he was well known for his skills in organising and in promoting the French language, especially within IFLA.

As the Snowden's revelations made it clear, mass internet and telecommunications surveillance are a reality in today's world....

Opportunities—responsibilities—rewards Russell S. Lynch


Library Visits

Trois exemples de CDI français traditionnels transformés en learning centres

20 August 2014

Anne Verneuil, president of the Association des Bibliothécaires de France (ABF) (French Librarians Association)

IFLA Professional Committee Chair, Lynne Rudasill

I hope you have had a marvelous time thus far and that your enjoyment and engagement continues through Thursday and beyond.

Pierre Dillenbourg20 August 2014 08:30 - 09:15 | Room: Amphithéâtre

Professor of Learning Technologies from one of the top universities for Science and Technology in Europe to speak on his surprising experiences with MOOCs (Massive open online courses)

The Right to E-read Campaign

Interview with Klaus-Peter Böttger, President of EBLIDA

Interview d'Elisabeth Lemau, conservateur général des bibliothèques... et retraitée fort occupée !

Le recrutement des volontaires a été l'objet d'une démarche fortement inscrite dans les objectifs de la Conférence de l'IFLA à Lyon en août 2014.
